by PanzerKavallerie 27 Jul 2005, 07:49, Post After joining the Nazi Party in 1930, Speer became Adolf Hitler's personal architect. He was able to curtail the discussion that the war should be ended. [95], Losses of territory and a dramatic expansion of the Allied strategic bombing campaign caused the collapse of the German economy from late 1944. At the end of 1933, he contracted Paul Troost to renovate the entire building. Two senior servants of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, Hitler's Armaments Minister, and Baldur von Schirach, former leader of the Hitler Youth and Gauleiter of Vienna, were released at midnight. Minister for Armaments. [26], Speer also sought to portray himself as an opponent of Hitler's leadership. Post Thanks! One thing that happened in early 1840 of Victoria time was that [113] Speer was indicted on four counts: participating in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of crime against peace; planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace; war crimes; and crimes against humanity. [135] Speer's efforts for an early release came to naught. During his life, he worked on redesigning city centers of . [127], Much of Speer's energy was dedicated to keeping fit, both physically and mentally, during his long confinement. [44] The chancellery was completed in early January 1939. [43], During the Chancellery project, the pogrom of Kristallnacht took place. [51] Speer used forced Jewish labor on these projects, in addition to regular German workers. It was only on the urgent advice of his publisher that he added a mention of seeing the ruins of the Central Synagogue in Berlin from his car. This delayed the program, and Speer was unable to remedy the situation. In the summer of 1942 Paulus advanced toward Stalingrad with 250,000 men, 500 tanks, 7,000 guns and mortars, and 25,000 horses. Nobody else in Hitler's circle, not even Josef Goebbels, was shown such favoritism. [64] Another factor that produced the boom in ammunition was the policy of allocating more coal to the steel industry. [5] Wolters and longtime Speer secretary Annemarie Kempf, while not permitted direct communication with Speer in Spandau, did what they could to help his family and carry out the requests Speer put in letters to his wifethe only written communication he was officially allowed. [149] In the same year, he appeared on the television programme The World at War. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer ( Mannheim, 19. oujka 1905. [spouse (s) unknown] [children unknown] Died 1943 at about age 37 in Stalingrad, Russia. Trevor-Roper who calls Speer an administrative genius whose basic instincts were peaceful and constructive does take Speer to task, however, for his failure to recognize the immorality of Hitler and Nazism, calling him "the real criminal of Nazi Germany":[161], For ten years he sat at the very centre of political power; his keen intelligence diagnosed the nature and observed the mutations of Nazi government and policy; he saw and despised the personalities around him; he heard their outrageous orders and understood their fantastic ambitions; but he did nothing. After one of these briefings, Hitler invited Speer to lunch, to the architect's great excitement. Through his autobiographies and interviews, Speer carefully constructed an image of himself as a man who deeply regretted having failed to discover the monstrous crimes of the Third Reich. By July 1943 Speer's armaments propaganda became irrelevant because a catalogue of dramatic defeats on the battlefield meant the prospect of losing the war could no longer be hidden from the German public. [78] In August 1943, he took control of most of the Ministry of Economics, to become, in Admiral Dnitz's words, "Europe's economic dictator". [104] During a meeting with Speer on 28/29 March, Hitler rescinded the decree and gave him authority over demolitions. [157] In return they were paid handsomely in royalties and other financial inducements. His first draft was written from March 1953 to 26 December 1954. Speer was appalled by this order, and persuaded several key military and political leaders to ignore it. On 23 May, two weeks after the surrender of German forces, British troops arrested the members of the Flensburg Government and brought Nazi Germany to a formal end. "[4] His brothers, Ernst and Hermann, bullied him throughout his childhood. He lost yet more authority. [171] Brechtken said Speer only admitted to a generalized responsibility for the Holocaust to hide his direct and actual responsibility. [128] Spandau had a large enclosed yard where inmates were allocated plots of land for gardening. [131], Speer's supporters maintained calls for his release. Albert Speer Jr., one of the most important German architects and urban planners, died unexpectedly on September 15, 2017 in Frankfurt. [68] Hitler was closely involved with the design of the tanks, but kept changing his mind about the specifications. These centered on a three-mile-long grand boulevard running from north to south, which Speer called the Prachtstrasse, or Street of Magnificence;[35] he also referred to it as the "NorthSouth Axis". [108] On 29 April, the day before committing suicide, Hitler dictated a final political testament which dropped Speer from the successor government. [38] The outbreak of World War II in 1939 led to the postponement, and later the abandonment, of these plans. Speer was aided in shaping the works by Joachim Fest and Wolf Jobst Siedler from the publishing house Ullstein. sent during this battle. [155] Speer even invented his own birth's circumstances, stating falsely that he was born at midday amid crashes of thunder and bells of the nearby Christ Church, whereas it was between three and five o'clock, and the church was built only some years after. Speer joined the National Socialist Party in January 1931; he wrote "I was not choosing the NSDAP, but becoming a follower of Hitler, whose magnetic force had reached out to me the first time I saw him and had not, thereafter, released me." Albert Speer (n.Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, 19 martie 1905 d. 1 septembrie 1981) a fost un arhitect german care a fost, pentru o parte din al Doilea Rzboi Mondial, ministrul al narmrii i produciei de rzboi pentru al Treilea Reich.Speer a fost arhitectul preferat al lui Adolf Hitler, nainte de a ocupa posturi ministeriale.i-a asumat responsabilitatea pentru crimele . [81] He was under the dubious care of Professor Karl Gebhardt at a medical clinic called Hohenlychen where patients "mysteriously failed to survive". [158] Kitchen said he had deceived the Nuremberg Tribunal and post-war Germany. [177] The rational position to adopt was to seek a political solution that would end the war without defeat. According to Speer's daughter Hilde Schramm, "One by one my sister and brothers gave up. He agreed to expand Auschwitz and some other camps, allocating 13.7 million Reichsmarks for the work to be carried out. He was the second of three sons of Luise Mthilde Wilhelmine (Hommel) and Albert Friedrich Speer. Today: Still there. [61] By April 1942, Speer had persuaded Gring to create a three-member Central Planning Board within the Four Year Plan, which he used to obtain supreme authority over procurement and allocation of raw materials and scheduling of production in order to consolidate German war production in a single agency. This led to the development of Germany's first cyclotron. August 1, 2017. [112], Speer was taken to several internment centres for Nazi officials and interrogated. Want to Read. never got along so good before or after. [8] In 1924, when the crisis had abated, he transferred to the "much more reputable" Technical University of Munich. He used his writings from the time of imprisonment as the basis for two autobiographical books, Inside the Third Reich and Spandau: The Secret Diaries. Speer's own staff described the conditions there as "hell". [41] He completed the preliminary work for the new chancellery by May 1936. The houses still look very much the same. [124], The prisoners were forbidden to write memoirs. He studied under Bestelmeyer, Billing, and Tessenow, and rose to prominence on the death of Troost, becoming Adolf Hitler's (1889-1945) friend, confidant, and architect from 1934.His interest in archaeology led him to evolve a style of architecture that would be as expressive as anything left by Ancient Rome, and his . [145], Speer's memoirs were a phenomenal success. I myself must carry this out. [178] The production of armaments did go up; however, this was due to the normal causes of reorganization before Speer came to office, the relentless mobilization of slave labor and a deliberate reduction in the quality of output to favor quantity. He admitted only to being uncomfortable around Jews in the published version of the Spandau Diaries. Speer's Heidelberg school offered rugby football, unusual for Germany, skiing, and Speer was a participant. [1] In 1944, Speer established a task force to increase production of fighter aircraft. BERLIN When Hilde Schramm inherited several paintings collected by her father, Hitler's chief architect and Armaments Minister Albert Speer, she was only sure of one thing: she did not want. Speer states that even if Germany concentrated all of its resources, it would have been 1947 before they could have had an atom bomb. He took a role in that short-lived regime as Minister of Industry and Production. The battle is infamous as one of the largest . [158] Speer, Siedler and Fest had constructed a masterpiece; the image of the "good Nazi" remained in place for decades, despite historical evidence indicating that it was false. Martin Kitchen, a British historian, says that the choice was not surprising. [71] Speer and Sauckel cooperated closely to meet Speer's labor demands. If Speer, who had been so close to Hitler, had not known the full extent of the crimes of the Nazi regime and had just been "following orders", then they could tell themselves and others they too had done the same. Another myth posits that Speer revolutionized the German war machine after his appointment as Minister of Armaments. von Speer, Albert: und eine groe Auswahl hnlicher Bcher, Kunst und Sammlerstcke erhltlich auf [153] He was well-educated, middle class, and bourgeois, and could contrast himself with those who, in the popular mind, typified "bad Nazis". Na Nrnberkom procesu preuzeo je moralnu odgovornost za svoja djela te je priznao ignorantnost po pitanju Holokausta. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (/ p r /; German: [pe] (); 19 March 1905 - 1 September 1981) was a German architect who served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during most of World War II.A close ally of Adolf Hitler, he was convicted at the Nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison.. An architect by training, Speer joined the . [81], In response to the Allied Big Week, Adolf Hitler authorized the creation of a Fighter Staff committee. [154] In his memoirs and interviews, he had distorted the truth and made so many major omissions that his lies became known as "myths". [45] Kristallnacht accelerated Speer's ongoing efforts to dispossess Berlin's Jews from their homes. After serving. alberts side and was generally desribed as a wastrel. Speer, imenovan tudi prvi arhitekt Tretjega rajha , je bil Hitlerjev glavni arhitekt v nacistini Nemiji, leta 1942 pa je v Hitlerjevem kabinetu postal minister za oboroitev. Though stockpiling of materials and other work continued, this slowed to a halt as more resources were needed for the armament industry. They paid for Toni Proost to go on holiday, and for bribes to those who might be able to secure Speer's release. In response, Hitler appointed Fritz Sauckel as a "manpower dictator" to obtain new workers. Speer arrived there the previous evening and accepted Todt's offer to fly with him to Berlin. [164] Brechtken said that if his extensive involvement in the Holocaust had been known at the time of his trial he would have been sentenced to death. Albert Speer ( 19. bezna 1905 Mannheim - 1. z 1981 Londn ), celm jmnem Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, byl hlavn architekt Adolfa Hitlera a pozdji ministr zbrojnho a vlenho prmyslu nacistickho Nmecka. [26], The image of the good Nazi was supported by numerous Speer myths. [152], After his release from Spandau, Speer portrayed himself as the "good Nazi". albert speers younger brother ernst was killed at Stalingrad Russia in the battle for Stalingrad. He assumed his German readers would not be so gullible and told them the Nazi Party offered a "new mission". [91], The largest technological advance under Speer's command came through the rocket program. Speer-Weber, Magarete, born 08-09-1905 in Heidelberg, lived there all her live, they also had a house near Hitler's Berghof on the Obersalzberg and was a girlfriend of Eva Braun (see Braun parents) and a regular visitor on the Berghof of Berchtesgaden. After he failed to do so, his father gave him a part-time job as manager of his properties. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjernes Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day. [42] Shortages of labor meant the construction workers had to work in ten-to-twelve-hour shifts. Der er bare lige den hage ved Moritz Schramms morfar, at han var den kendte topnazist Albert Speer fra Hitlers inderkreds, og at han i dag anses for at vre en af Anden Verdenskrigs helt store forbrydere. Speer's mother asked Albert to do something to get Ernst out. There were so many corpses at the Dora underground factory, for example, that the crematorium was overwhelmed. 2. [80], In December 1943, Speer visited Organisation Todt workers in Lapland, while there he seriously damaged his knee and was incapacitated for several months. [36] At the northern end of the boulevard, Speer planned to build the Volkshalle, a huge domed assembly hall over 700 feet (210m) high, with floor space for 180,000 people. [86] On 1 August 1944, Speer merged the Fighter Staff into a newly formed Armament Staff committee. Speer made no mention of it in the first draft of Inside the Third Reich. The manuscript led to two books: first Erinnerungen ("Recollections") (Propylen/Ullstein, 1969), which was translated into English and published by Macmillan in 1970 as Inside the Third Reich; then as Spandauer Tagebcher ("Spandau Diaries") (Propylen/Ullstein, 1975), which was translated into English and published by Macmillan in 1976 as Spandau: The Secret Diaries. With Rutger Hauer, John Gielgud, Maria Schell, Blythe Danner. Paradoxically, when Speer died in 1981, he was described by the New York Times as a . He met Hitler and toured the damaged Chancellery before leaving Berlin to return to Hamburg. After his release on 1 October 1966, he used Federal Archive documents to rework the material into his autobiography. [77] By July 1943, he had gained control of armaments production for the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. Albert Speer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland", Francisco Boix identifies Speer at Nuremberg,, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 08:56. Adam Tooze wrote in The Wages of Destruction that the idea that Speer was an apolitical technocrat was "absurd". [177], The armaments "miracle" was a myth; Speer had used statistical manipulation to support his claims. [132] Willy Brandt was an advocate of his release,[133] putting an end to the de-Nazification proceedings against him,[134] which could have caused his property to be confiscated. The large capital investment was not repaid in military effectiveness. I am sure that an oppressive feeling struck me as I drove past. As "the Nazi who said sorry", he accepted moral responsibility at the Nuremberg trials . [26] Brechtken added that, throughout Speer's life, his central motives were to gain power, rule, and acquire wealth. Albert Speer was a close confidant of Hitler, and the Third Reich's most celebrated architect. The Fhrer emerges as neither an incompetent nor a carpetgnawing madman but as an evil genius of warped concepts endowed with an ineffable personal magic. like so many other Germans his Until 2 September 1943 the position's official name was Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions. Speer (Albert Speer's brother) and his life. Little remains of his personal architectural work. This image dominated his historiography in the decades following the war, giving rise to the "Speer Myth": the perception of him as an apolitical technocrat responsible for revolutionizing the German war machine. [3] Henry T. King, deputy prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials who later wrote a book about Speer said, "Love and warmth were lacking in the household of Speer's youth. For a treatise on this aspect of the war including Speer's involvement see: Randall, Hansen, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 08:56, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions, "Trials of the War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals, Volume II: The Milch Case", "Wartime reports debunk Speer as the good Nazi", "Letter proves Speer knew of Holocaust plan", "Historiker ber Albert Speer: "Er tat alles fr den Endsieg", "Rechtfertigung und Entlastung. The Israeli documentary "Speer Goes to Hollywood," directed by Vanessa Lapa, traces this attempted 1970s reinvention of Albert Speer, who served as Hitler's architect and was sentenced . [65] Production of every type of weapon peaked in June and July 1944, but there was now a severe shortage of fuel. [121] There he was known as Prisoner Number Five. His father, the son and grandson of architects, had joined the Nazi party in 1931 and soon . German architect of the Nazi period (1933-45). [93] He opposed the assassination attempt against Hitler on 20 July 1944. He continued to deny explicit knowledge of, and responsibility for the Holocaust. Once Speer became aware of the existence of the fund, he sent detailed instructions about what to do with the money. He had walked more than 30,000 kilometres (19,000mi), ending his sentence near Guadalajara, Mexico. [77] His close relationship with Hitler provided him with political protection, and he was able to outwit and outmaneuver his rivals in the regime. The book was a worn, thick burgundy paperback, spine splintered in three parts, tiny print . [31] Speer designed the German Pavilion for the 1937 international exposition in Paris. [1]:314320, Speer describes Wunderwaffen such as the Me 262 project, flying wing jet planes, a remote-controlled flying bomb, a rocket plane, a rocket missile based on infrared homing, designs for a four-motored jet bomber with the range to strike New York, and a torpedo based on sonar. He originally wanted to become a mathematician, but his father advised against the wish, suggesting that he would "lead a life without money, without a position, and . Startseite; Cytologie. He was credited with a dramatic increase in the shipment of arms that was widely reported as keeping Germany in the war. It had been edited by Wolters and made no mention of the Jews. Profile manager: Gordon Becker [ send private message ] This allowed an extra 300 huts to be built at Auschwitz, increasing the total human capacity to 132,000. A close ally of Adolf Hitler, he was convicted at the Nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison. . Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (German: [pe] ( listen); March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981) was a German architect who was, for a part of World War II, Minister of Armaments and War Production for the Third Reich. [92] The rockets were built at an underground factory at Mittelwerk. After August 1944, oil from the Romanian fields was no longer available. Hitler's cabinet was dismayed at his tactics, but, regardless, he was able to accumulate new responsibilities and more power. [59] Speer proved to be ambitious, unrelenting and ruthless. [55] On 8 February 1942, Reich Minister of Armaments and Munitions Fritz Todt died in a plane crash shortly after taking off from Hitler's eastern headquarters at Rastenburg. [25] After the war, he claimed to have had little interest in politics at all and had joined almost by chance. . Speer in response used his propaganda expertise to display a new dynamism of the war economy. [99] In reality, he had sought to prolong the war until further resistance was impossible, thus contributing to the large number of deaths and the extensive destruction Germany suffered in the conflict's final months. Despite this opposition, the two married in Berlin on 28 August 1928; seven years elapsed before Margarete was invited to stay at her in-laws' home. "[3], On the other hand, in a 1973 Bryn Mawr College review, Barbara Miller Lane wrote, "Scholars have observed so many gaps in his account of the operation of his ministry as to shed considerable doubt on the whole. Victoria married. First published in 1969, it appeared in English translation in 1970. "[4] Martin Kitchen's 2015 biography of Speer comes to much the same conclusion. [118] On 1 October 1946, he was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment. the eldest went to visit his brother while in spandau prison and Hitler became interested in Speer through his own interest in the arts. [23][24], In the English version of his memoirs, Speer says that his political commitment merely consisted of paying his "monthly dues". [147], Speer made himself widely available to historians and other enquirers. At that time, he asked the Milch at the Luftwaffe to find Ernst and retrieve him. [105] Speer ended them, though the army continued to blow up bridges. It was to prevent harming his son's budding career that Speer came to not re-enter architecture upon his 1966 release. On 20 July 1942, Speer was enrolled by order of Heinrich Himmler as a SS Man/member of. [18], The organizers of the 1933 Nuremberg Rally asked Speer to submit designs for the rally, bringing him into contact with Hitler for the first time. Speer's desperate mother called Speer . Progress was slow because fuel was rationed and Army Group A were given priority. For propaganda Hitler claimed during the topping-out ceremony on 2 August 1938, that he had ordered Speer to complete the new chancellery that year. The Speer houses are on the right side. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, commonly known as Albert Speer (March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981), was an architect, author and high-ranking Nazi German government official, sometimes called "the first architect of the Third Reich ." To adopt was to seek a political solution that would end the war should be ended Luftwaffe find! Publishing house Ullstein died in 1981, he claimed to have had little interest in politics all. Supporters maintained calls for his release on 1 October 1966, he was described by new! ), ending his sentence near Guadalajara, Mexico published version of the Nazi (! One by one my sister and brothers gave up holiday, and for bribes to those who might be to. Policy of allocating more coal to the steel industry end of 1933, he worked redesigning! The Armaments `` miracle '' was a close ally of Adolf Hitler, and responsibility for the industry... 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Route 28 Construction Pittsburgh, Articles A