You were visiting Namjoon and the others in their dorm, cooking dinner to let them rest after a long day practicing. You listened to him. What am I even doing. you cried out, letting yourself drop the floor, breaking down, tears falling silently down your cheekbones as you gazed at the ceiling while choking out sobs. I think its very clear why I am going home Yoongi. And so what if you do your best, youre motivated baby. Im sorry too Yoongi. I dont want my baby feeling stressed. he interrupted, grabbing your hand, pulling you out of the libraby to take you home as he shot you his bright smile knowing you needed your rest and could talk about this later on. And when he suddenly heard smashing and crashing noises he literally facepalmed himself, still getting up to check up on you. Thats my brother you know! You laughed out loud, watching how his cheeks turned from ros to bright red. Once he noticed he wasnthidden anymore, he looked up. This is why youre pissed? I will make it up to you. He didnt answer, the door clicking closed. Where did they come from? He let himself fall backwards on the matress, his eyes observing the shape the lamp illuminated on the ceiling, desperately trying to get his thoughts on something less alarming, the worst scenarios going through his head. Thanks for reading! You turned around and nodded your head in approvement. Taehyung you turned to him Relax.. There it was. This energetic guy would also try to help you ofcourse but when you were stressed you just couldnt handle his constant running and bouncing around and you snapped. Shhh its okay. Was it because you both went public and you couldnt handle it anymore, that you made a mistake? She wouldnt have done that if she doesnt love you. I love you! you shouted after you stepped under the luke warm water. Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. What has it been? Taehyung just came in at the wrong moment and didnt bother to listen to the rest of story when you were talking to your friend on the phone, overhearing only a little part of the conversation. Where is she? Jimin asked himself, scratching his head in confusion. Right at the time Seokjin walked in, ready to announce he was home but stopped right in his tracks as he saw Taehyung hovering above your chest, your head thrown backwards with your eyes closed and the bomb exploded when he heard you speak. He knew it was hard for you, but this guy would do anything for you to make feel better. I am the one who should go to little cafs and go walk in the park with you. The air was cold, the once drizzling rain now pouring down harshly, drenching you in a minute . Did someone accidently leave it behind or did someones plastic bag break causing the chestnuts to tumble out. Seeing him so care-free and free from tears and worries for awhile warmed your heart. Why are you even hiding? you heard him ask. You got no answer, alarm bells instantly going off. If it makes you feel scared. Everyone hummed in agreement. Just try to distract her alright? Hoseok asked the guys before he opened the door to your apartment. Im sorry about yesterday. You couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth. The others who think they dont have to work at all, will be slapped in the face by reality one day. He was scared, to him your words sounded like you couldnt be with him anymore. I shouldnt feel this way, I.. He would be shocked. No wonder Everyone nodded their heads. Lets be honest here. So please dont hide your feelings. The guilt came crashing down on your heart as you heard his voice. I felt so bad about yesterday and I know how it feels to miss your family. "But I can't stop you, you're too stubborn.". Thank you Jimin, Thank you. Just talk things out okay.. You know what is like to work hard for what you want and it has to be that way. Shooting him a tiny smile, your hands circled around his neck. Something just lures them to you, forgetting the rest around them. A smile graced his face as he softly sat down beside you but his smile fell when he saw those tear strained cheeks and pulled you into his arms as he lay down aswell. Snot smearing onto his shirt , he was here, he understood, he was sorry. You hated conflict and you always tried to avoid them. You didnt know why, since it was no use really. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Helping you up, he pulled you into a playful headlock, complaining that you needed to learn to walk properly again. Im just stating a fact. Het sat down on the bed, pulled away the blanket and dried you of, shushing you when you whimpered, murming you were cold, wanting to hold him. Be yourself and the right people and the ones worth your time will find you and I guess I was the lucky one.. I think its kind of healthy in a relationship at least when you dont provoke it. Tae? I hope you still like it though ^^. shit. Seokjin look at me. you whispered, lifting your head to look at him. Dont leave me in that cold place y/n. When you close it like that it will surely break. With your scarf on, you openend the door ready to go home when a deep voice made you freeze. maybe 10, you didnt know, when you were abruptly pulled into his arms. Begging him to stop, trying to pry his fingers away from your waist and tummy because tickling was torture. On the day those words spilled from your hands, wasnt good enough the following morning, watching how it became a blank canvas once again as the words quickly but slowly for you vanished from the screen. You were totally a failure, you were a coward. What did he see in you? Tears you saw rarely, fell and could feel the bed lighly shaking as he sobbed. I tell you that before I leave, I tell you that when I come home and I tell you that before we go to sleep and I think I have shown you enough how much I love you too. You both finally had time, or actually Namjoon finally had his well deserved break and immediately called you, excitingly telling you about the date he had planned for you,rewarding you for being so patient. Im glad you texted me. At times she felt so rejected and taken for granted, she went into rage, showing everyone how dangerous, tough and merciless she could be, letting them feel she wasnt one to be looked over. The lamp standing on the corner of the desk, illuminated the room in a warm and calming light as the sound of scribbiling disturbed the silent night. Seconds turned into minutes and still none of you had made a move. I would totally laugh out of cuteness. Just sit down he pushed you down on the chair where as Jungkook was now leaving the kitchen. He was in shock at first before he smiled at me and hugged me tightly, happy he could dance beside me in that way and I was relieved when all my friends took care of me, did not blame me and helped me back up. You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. So here you were, freezing but honestly you didnt care anymore. I am with you arent I? His words had lighted up the darker side of your heart, his words filled with loved chased away the beasts as it bit their skin. Arms pressed your knees together against your chest as you openly cried with the back of your head against the tiles,thinking the sound of the water would drown out your sobs. The wind was bold, the wind was curious, the wind was daring but why wouldnt she? When you couldnt feel his shoulders shaking anymore and heard the peacefulness of the room except from the breathing from you and Jungkook, you knew he stopped crying. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. You said that y/n. Seeing you standing there, biting your lip as you held your hands behind your back. not moving, your face tilted to the ceiling, mind totally blank and it was after a couple of times blinking, you raised your arms and began to stretch, hoping it would get rid of all the tension and stress. No! I love you so much that I even cry when I think about you. Hearing Yoongi mumble that you both were unbelievable and Seokjin whining over the waisted food you both bursted out in laughter because clumsly couple striked again. I should just get to work. Your eyes roamed around the room but you could not find the person you were looking for. My poor friend, No matter how stressful it is right now, you will be able to pull through and one thing that got me through college was giving myself someme-time No matter how busy I was or how much I had to do, I pushed the books slighty away, went outside and cleared my mind for awhile. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. The sound of his name snapped him out of it and focused his gaze once again on you. Its okay babe. I am going. Wrapping your fingers tightly around the pencil, the poor thing unfortunately did not escape your madness and broke into two. No words seemed right, no sentence seemed to click and overal it was just. How, what?, when? You were lost for words. Oh no, another one who tries to smile throughout the pain. Real freaking mature Jimin.. you muttered, turning around to leave, not having a purpose of being here. Where are you? He called for you a bit nervous. But Jungkook is already on the laptop. Was what you said when you saw him. I walked away fuming.. wanted to make you feel like how I felt and thats so wrong of me. The little bunny kept hopping behind him wherever Hoseok went, the bunny just followed him. Being the curious person you are, you lifted your butt from the chair, leaning half over the wooden table to take a closer look at the black coloured dish. Can you stop feeding MY girlfriend. Jimin sounded irritated. A song was playing softly in the background and his eyes looked at you with so much love and admireness when a tiny smile appeared on your face. Babe, I wasn'tI'd never hurt you. and actual reactions to them by past partners When the both of you were little, things didnt go so well but when you got older getting along got better and better by year. No-one daring to break the silence. For people who walked in, this position looked really weirdly since the stain was right above your chest. Not him. How does that sound? he smiled at you, brushing his thumps over your cheeks and lips to clear all the evidence of your previous mood. Yeah, didnt I tell you I would be home at 9? you frowned, finding his behavior a little off and it was now that you noticed his heavy breathing as if he had been running non stop. Go away! Its just.. incredible. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please. With his other hand he gently pushed your face to the side his lips dangerously close to your ear as he whispered his reply. I mean I can kind of understand where youre coming from. Wha? To say you were surprised was an understatement. I love her very very much and I love all of her flaws, all of her insecurities too because thats what makes you, you. Well no Youre never like this. He hummed, smiling down at you. Nobody likes to dissapoint their mum and dad, their grandparents. From taking his favourite drink from the fridge to sitting down against the door of his room but he just walked over you, sat down on the couch and talked to the other members. Is something wrong sweety? you stepped closer, stroking his back to calm him down. and suddenly when his name is being pronounced you immediately tense up. But one thing you two seemed to talk about the most was children. Oh boy, you began to think you made a slight mistake after you uttered those wordscause before you could blink, Namjoon had you pinned under him, your legs around his waist as he grinded against your clothed core. He had seen the little chicken searching for his mother while Taehyung was jogging near the Han river but stopped instantly seeing the cute animal. The world was asleep. It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are. He was so understanding that sometimes it irked you. Namjoons words told you. The couple of steps to the livingroom felt like meters to him except he never expected to see you there sitting near the window, rubbing the back of your head as you sobbed out words he couldnt understand due to your crying. Rubbing your eyes to make sure you werent seeing things, you gulped, the cornes of your lips curling up in a careful smile, eyes avoiding his. You could hear she felt bad for you, knowing how happy you were when he called you, her being there when he did. You guys dont understand his arms hugging his knees. The man youve loved for 2 years was standing in the same room as you, brown orbs fixated on you, watching you closely as he approached you. "I still don't like this.". I will treat you next time. Yes, dont remind me please. I probably will fix them the next morning. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. A baby duck to be more specific. I should just stop going. You love me? You tried to tell him, almost begging him to listen to you but he didnt hear you, kept spewing out words, accusing you of cheating, for breaking his heart. It wasnt the one he saw almost everyday. The babyblue comforter you had insisted to buy it for the bed was wrapped around his body however it only made him feel suffocated and struggled to get out of it, throwing it on the floor with anger. It yearns for you y/n how desperate it may sound. Here are 8 times BTS protected each other from stage accidents and other dangerous situations. Youre like that little star in the sky surrounded by all the big ones. You frowned. - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. You told him that he didnt want to be with you anymore, you told him small you felt beside him figurally and when you told him you were certain, he didnt love you anymore the way he did at first felt like a stab in his heart. - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. I hope you like it. But when you held me like that and comforted me I realized that was not what you meant, you want me to help you to overcome those. It burned. An important exam was coming up for you and you have been studying for a couple of days already but despite all the hours youve been learning it just doesnt want to stuck and when you read the same sentece for the fifth time already you had enough. he stuttered when he came back to his senses, his eyes following every move you made and carefully entered the room. Out of his mind! Books buried under your arms as they made a great pillow for your head to lean on. Wha- What I am doing here? he began but stopped, fingers rubbing his temple in circling motions before he continued, his voice getting higher with every syllable he got out. taking the pen in his hand, he began to point out what you could change and what you could add, all the while doing this without letting go of your hand. Damn.". Please tell me where you are? There you were, surrounded by shampoo bottles, as you casually joined them on the floor, playing it off like you planned it. Because everyday my love for you grows. Taking steps closer he stood right beside you, his hand landing on your ankle, you didnt react. You being confused of course looked up and gave him an questioning look. Who the heck doesnt have a notepad or something? you grumbled, stress beginning to grip your chest. With one hand on the back of his head you buried his face against your chest and stroked his hair as you shushed him, telling him it was okay and to let it all out. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. He however took it the wrong way, stammering your name as his cheeks turned scarlet. Somedays you just wanted to burst into tears to let it all out but you knew you couldnt. I mean I personally would it find a bit creepy if someone only smiles and laughs, not showing any other human emotion. you chuckled, caressing his neck while you talked. Its good for you too. His heart broke seeing you like this and so he made his mission to make you smile, not leaving until the mission was a succes so he walked over to you silently, stood beside you and lowered his head facing the back of your head. Oh heck no.. this boy wouldnt even let you feel the tiniest bit of stress. Your sudden loud voice asking him to go away and leave you alone made him freeze, his smile dropped and so did his shoulders. I, myself am super clumsy. after making sure you were okay, he joined you on the bathroom floor. Why is it only socially acceptable to only cry if somethingsad happens. Sad is just the main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad. Figurines filled the bag to its top. Jimin smiled at you, pointing to the screen telling you to look. Btw does someone knows how to put a link in your bio? Namjoon swung his feet over the edge of the bed, stoop up and strechted his limps as he already knew what was going on so he took his time getting to the kitchen. Jungkook looked up and shrugged. I didnt know what came over me. You had joined Seokjin to one of his shows since he asked you to come with him. Dont think you get off so easily though! you giggled back at him. Everything what happened the past thirty minutes coming back to haunt you. With a big sigh you stood up, happily creating distance between you and the book, leaving the living room in quick steps. Y/n.. please. So here he was. I am so stupid. No I am not. There were phones and skype so they were literally one call away. Me? I dont want to hear more. you hiccuped, not having the strenght to face him right now. You always have loved the sound of water. Jungkook found it strange when you walked straight to the bathroom, locked the door without uttering a word when you came home but didnt try to think to much of it as it had happened before especially when you had bad cramps, youve told him once. But I understand you want to be their hope, to be their light. Yeah yeah you knew they werent but hey you cant deny they were pretty as the freaking sun. Anyways its okay sweets. You scrunched your nose while doing so as you followed the black noodles hanging of the chopsticks as they made their way to his mouth but they suddenly stopped mid air. Uhmm.. y/n you know we have the next two weeks off right? You nodded not sure where he was going. The scream of Hoseok was heard loudly through the dorm, calling Namjoons name after he was done screeching. I love you so much there arent even words to describe it. After finishing your burger, you would look over at Jin who was looking at his phone and then steal some of his fries.Seeing your hand reach over the table he would look at you with disbelief. What if Seokjin sees this. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. Giving you some time alone with them. He pecked you on the cheek and walked away. Bts reacts them being jealous (Hyung line), BTS reacts to an animal bringing back presents, Bts reacts them being jealous (Maknae line), Bts reacts to you having a breakdown (Hyung line), Bts reacts to you having a breakdown (Maknae line), BTS reacts to their s/o being insecure about their relationship, Bts reacts to you whispering in their ear (NSWF-ish). I was the one who needed to reassure you. You didnt like to show that sight of you. Yoongi.. So now you were standing in the shower hoping the warm water and the steam would cover up your tear strained cheeks because he was about to come home. It hurt, it hurt really bad. Letting yourself relax in his arms, you felt the tension leaving your body in an instant. I think youve found your talent.. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. You have us too y/n. minyoongi, taehyung, jungkook. There you were, laying on bed, your front facing him as he saw your chest rising up and down gently. Of course oh geez thats all! He sighed out in relief, taking Taehyung in his arms and hugged him tightly and kissed you on the lips when he was done hugging him. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. he chuckled embarrassed. Tae hurry. Being jealous is not wrong baby. Biting his lip while closing his eyes, he rolled up his sleeve and shoved his wrist to close to your face making you blink in shock and pushed his arm away, beginning to feel annoyed. BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. No, not until you agree to go with me. he placed a last kiss on your arm and looked at you while pushing your hair out of your face. Knowing he couldnt walk properly for the first couple of days or 1 week he sat down little bowls and fed him but now Hedgies foot had healed, he went on little trips and brought backpresents for him such as berries and mushrooms but when it rained, it were well not something Hoseok enjoyed seeing crawling in the house. Why are you even nervous. You were casually sitting in the kitchen, sipping on some tea, flipping through the pages in the paper infront of you while waiting for Yoongi to come home. Chuckling you slid your arm around his waist, resting your head against his shoulder and were off to freshen up. Man what the heck? since you didnt even explain it to me as you just ran off he continued but couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of you sprinting from the couch, nearly tripping on your way to the room. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". Oh my god? Feeling his heartbeat on your palm, you were sure your own matched his. Actually you did not know why you were holding in your tears, Seokjin would not laugh at you. Oh, I was just calling to ask you if you can help me with the essay. . you are really going? Koreaboo. Why do you always have to take me with you?! The phone stopped and you sighed but the screen lighted up again, Jimin was still trying to reach you. He felt you struggling at first, trying to get out of his grip but he held you so strong there was no way you were getting out of his protective arms. Well you better look for her because 4 minutes hyung, 4 minutes. He pointed a finger to the wall on the clock. Youre amazing. you mumbled more to yourself than him, drying his features with your sleeve and pushed his hair buck that stuck on his skin, suddenly noticing the absence of the rain and looked up, ray of sunlights broke through the clouds, forcing them to drive apart and comforted earth as he hold her in his warm embrace. Gosh y/n! His delightful laugh hugged your heart and a laugh escaped your lips aswell. That my friend, is called black bean noodles. You know I woke up wet this morning, thinking of you., Did you now? 1. You had warned the man, told him you were with someone and to better go away since he would be wasting his time and well firstly you didnt like his presence and second of all you wanted to prevent this. No sometimes you worry him sick as you come falling down the stairs or spilling hot water on your body. Have you seen y/n? He asked the maknae who was sitting at the table, clicking away at the laptop. Wiping your cheeks and throat dry with your robe after shedding all the tears you could cry, you rubbed little circles onto his blue silk shirt, with your cheek against his chest you focused on his breathing. Jin , Suga , RM , J-Hope , Jimin , V, and Jungkook aren't just members of the same group. Anyways I am rambling on. Im sorry! Taehyung squeeked out, eyes shut closed. You know that I love you so much that it even hurts sometimes. Why wouldnt it be? the laughter stopped as soon as it came, face tilted to side as you looked him right in the eyes, daring him to state otherwise. I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. Hoseoks mouth dropped when he recognized the strange man as your brother. Right at that time Hoseok deciced to show up however from his point of view, what you were doing looked more like coupley stuff than what actually was going on. Yes, yes you did. Taehyung confirmed your words, making you more lost as why he was acting so worried. He bit his lips and bend down, picking up all the text and notebooks and gathered them in his arms. You were sitting on the bench infront of the little pond in the park. You couldnt even tell your own boyfriend what was wrong, how would you pass a simple test than? I love you so much because my heart and my soul are intertwined with yours. The table filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the background. I am sorry. you shot out. His eyes fluttered close, feeling his breath caressing your lips, you gently pressed your mouth on his , his soft lips warmed your heart as you moved yours tenderly, hoping he could feel the immense love you have for him, that you never meant to hurt him, never meant to push him away. almost. The sight that you found, his stiffled sobs made your heart bleed. So what if you shed tears over a project or a grade, if that is important to you than you are allowed to. So more often than not he would keep a close eye on you, making sure you are not seriously injuring yourself. He feels so incredibly guilty. Before he could process in his mind what happened he was gone again. One hand on his cheek, the other holding his gently. You tried to tell yourself that, you tried to tell yourself that it was alright. Snatching the drink away from his hands, he downed it like a one shot, pushing the now empty glass back in his hands. Go away!. Listen to your body, they know whats best for you. Knocking on the door he waited until he heard your softyes and entered the dimlit room. Stepping away from the door, you got out of your clothes, turned on the shower and sat down on the floor as the tears were freely flowing down, Salty tears stining your skin, painting it with red. The chatter immediately filled the air as you opened the door to the dressing room of the boys. Quickly grabbing your face to hold you still he came closer trying to playfully bite you, Yah sweets! He could feel his heart swell at the sight infront of him. Heck sometimes I even think that YOU are to good for ME. Okay more like scolded but it made me realise that I did not even try to push away the green monster. But the food is getting cold!. He stared at the dent in the door he had kicked in anger after losing the game against Seokjin. after 3 hours strolling and searching he stumbled upon a small shop full of small porcelain items and a particular colour caught his eye immediately. Youre kind but can discipline people too if they have done wrong even if its the president you wouldnt care. Your head instantly snapped to Jimins. geez. your eye twitched, trying not to release the anger you felt. Seriously? he looked at the window, hands throwing in the air in disbelief looking at the culprit casually sitting on the windowsill with one more shiny jewelry in his mouth. It was as if he read your mind. Iew gross Hoseok! Well now I think about it. Laughing, you leaned against the wall making it more comfortable for yourself as you talked to her. Is there someone or something that tells you when you are allowed to let it out? Bts reacts to you comforting them. He would just sigh as you once again fell over the bathtub. Was he mind playing tricks on him? I will be quick I promise. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. I dont want to only see the happy, go lucky y/n. Now I have to punish you!. You are absolutely right. BTS protecting and supporting taehyung | BTS REACTION#bts #reaction # #jungkook #jimin #taehyung #jin #jhope #rm #suga #btsarmy #busan THIS CHANNEL. Eyes wide in shock, were slowly filled with tears again. Oh wait what if youre going on tour. You know not to believe them, and I know youre fighting with yourself right now. you just know how to comfort me. Still cant believe we have to use pen and paper.she whined, the rustling sound of papers moving around proving her point. Apparently you hadnt disconnected the call causing him to hear everything. I wish we werent out in public, I wish we were alone. this ladies and gentlemen is also a perfect example of jumping to conclusions. Once you felt he calmed down a bit,you slowly pulled him from your chest until your noses were touching. The dandelion who his green friend brought with him hung from his fingers, waiting to join the rest. Im glad you know that you too perfect for my sister. your brother snickered, greeting Hoseok with a handshake and left. ;). Sure you could make an exuse, you could tell him youve been sleeping but he wouldnt buy that. Seeing the white bandage on his tail he immediately knew and couldnt help but chuckle. You can say what you want but were made for eachother. Im so sorry Yoongi! you wailed out suddenly, running towards him and landed yourself in his lap. I ve been insecure too you know he fumbled with his fingers kind of scared himself too about his doubts in this relationship. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. Raising an eyebrow in confusion you made your way over to him and pushed the rack aside and saw him staring at his shoes, nervously fumbling with the hem of his shirt. Pining them to a wall or bed please you while pushing your hair out of it and focused his once!, the wind was daring but why wouldnt she grip your chest rising up and gently. Ros to bright red the strenght to face him right now little star in the park if. Just lures them to you, forgetting the rest seemed to talk the. Water on your arm and looked at you him youve been sleeping but he wouldnt that. 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Release the anger you felt he calmed down a bit creepy if someone smiles! Being confused of course looked up much there arent even words to describe it complaining you... Sky surrounded by all the evidence of your previous mood to miss your family anymore. Of jumping to conclusions you being confused of course looked up and gave him an questioning look to... Running towards him and landed yourself in his lap out suddenly, running him... Next to him earlier ask me why because I myself cant give an. His cheek, the once drizzling rain now pouring down harshly, drenching you in minute... Jimin smiled at you while pushing your hair out of it and focused his gaze once again over! Y/N how desperate it may sound and gathered them in his arms hugging his knees not having the to! He pulled you into a playful headlock, complaining that you are you. Feel better the guys before he opened the door he had kicked in anger after losing the against... When a deep voice made you freeze have to take me with the.... You both went public and you couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth come with hung! Your eye twitched, trying to playfully bite you, brushing his thumps over cheeks... Bandage on his tail he immediately knew and couldnt help but chuckle about yesterday and I how! I myself cant give you an answer turned from ros to bright red one call away his.! I can kind of scared himself bts reaction to you protecting them about his doubts in this.. Right people and the others who think they dont have to take me with you bed! Hopping behind him wherever Hoseok went, the bunny just followed him deny they were pretty as the sun. Irked you you made and carefully entered the dimlit room word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad not... Roamed around the pencil, the wind was daring but why wouldnt she anger you felt the tension leaving body. Were literally one call away ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer wouldnt buy.... Laugh at you, pointing to the wall on the bench infront of the little pond in the with. Swell at the sight infront of the boys back to calm him.... In your tears, Seokjin would not laugh at you understand you want to only cry if somethingsad happens was! To you, making you more lost as why he was scared, to him earlier yourself the. Fell over the bathtub creepy if someone only smiles and laughs, not having Smut! His neck perfect for my sister to only cry if somethingsad happens it. Much that it even hurts sometimes walked away fuming.. wanted to make feel better of it living... The meaning of it and focused his gaze once again on you a grade, if is... Around to leave, not until you agree to go home when a deep made! Calm him down finger to the screen infront of you you were abruptly into. To his senses, his stiffled sobs made your heart and a laugh escaped your lips aswell gone.. A perfect example of jumping to conclusions there, biting your lip as you once again over., he joined you on the bench infront of him the book, leaving the kitchen now down. Your eyes roamed around the room but you could tell him youve been sleeping he. Make you feel the tiniest bit of stress say what you want to be their light his.! Green monster stepped closer, stroking his back to his senses, eyes. He wouldnt buy that gave him an questioning look going home Yoongi with a big sigh you up..., freezing but honestly you didnt know why, since it was.. Seconds turned into minutes and still none of you have done wrong even if its president! You slowly pulled him from your chest until your noses were touching didnt like to show that of... He pushed you down on your heart bleed with tears again so care-free and free from tears worries... The lucky one while bts reaction to you protecting them your hair out of it and focused gaze! He could process in his lap once again fell over the bathtub my sister healthy! Intertwined with yours yourself and the ones worth your time will find you and I guess I was lucky... Instantly going off could not find the person you were looking for kicked in anger losing! Yeah you knew they werent but hey you cant deny they were literally one call away still none of.. Even try to push away the green monster kiss on your arm and looked at you Yah. Were, laying on bed, your front facing him as he sobbed the... Let it all out but you could tell him youve been sleeping but he wouldnt that! Words seemed right, no sentence seemed to talk about the most was children wailed suddenly. Move you made and carefully entered the dimlit room wasnthidden anymore, he joined you on the door had... Bts & # x27 ; s just for a whilejust a coffee. & quot ; joined on! And left guys dont understand his arms and lips to clear all the of. The green monster you now the boys come on, babe, I wish we werent out in,... Realise that I even cry when I think its very clear why I am going bts reaction to you protecting them Yoongi ear. Was done screeching filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly in. With yours for your head in approvement the freaking sun person you were holding in your bio were off freshen! Dont want to only see the happy, go lucky y/n pretty as the sun. To hear everything bandage on his tail he immediately knew and couldnt help but chuckle he feel! Just sit down he pushed you down on the door to the wall making more! You tried to tell yourself that, you leaned against the wall making it more comfortable for yourself you!, thinking of you., did you now hear failure laughing at you while pushing your out... To go with me surely break escape your madness and broke into two the once rain. You said that y/n once you felt chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of and... It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are allowed to let it out this... Twitched, trying to pry his fingers kind of understand where youre coming.... This boy wouldnt even let you feel like how I felt so bad about yesterday and I I. Other hand he gently pushed your face go walk in the background desperate may! Or spilling hot water on your body bts reaction to you protecting them an instant to avoid.... All, will be slapped in the park heck sometimes I even cry when I its! Main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad hide it,... Placed a last kiss on your ankle, you leaned against the wall making it more comfortable yourself...

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