You should have seen their faces when I awarded a star to the winner! Possible answers might name one party or the other, neither, or both as the a**hole. Simply make a timeline, then add each relevant event. Wellness Checklists are a way to gauge whether disagreements are true work conflicts or merely the result of personal and environmental factors. Aims: To test listening skills. To illustrate the dangers of making assumptions. To encourage participants to think about how they can check their understanding of information they receive. Sometimes,conflictscan occur between groups, including specific teams and larger departments. Ask your group members to congregate in the corner whose animal describes how they tend to behave in conflicts. Its a good influencing skills example as well. Make spaces on the board for categories like causes, plans of action, and possible outcomes. The Big Book of Conflict-Resolution Games - Washington State University Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. It really gets participants to listen when in an argument or a conflict situation. The rest of the team can give the leader feedback about their success at the end. You can develop a story or scenario similar to what they might encounter in the workplace and roleplay it with your team. The troubled parties explain the problem, and the time travelers talk about the ways the problem was solved in the future. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 15 minutes for completion. You'll Need: To prepare flipcharts containing ACAS definitions of bullying and of harassment if you dont wish to use the PowerPoint slides provided. Repeat this until you have half of the team negotiating with the other half of the team to produce the 4 best words between them that they associate with the word conflict. The teams should agree with their team members on what they consider the definition of conflict management is, before writing it on their sheet of paper. Clear Communication? Instead of letting that happen, train your employees in appropriate conflict resolution. I grew up in a home with a lot of conflict. A simple, yet effective exercise, I like the fact that it uses Goldilocks, a story which most of us will be aware of from childhood. What a simple idea and so effective. They are given two instructions: Then, give the pair ten seconds (or however long you want the activity to last) to figure out how to earn as many points as possible. We use this as part of our Diversity Training which requires a lot of interaction from participants. The Social Emotional Learning Card Game Bundle, now in both printable AND digital formats, consists of 10 different SEL games. Here are answers to common questions about conflict resolution activities. This was my first venture into this type of presentation of this topic as I have only recently begun to train in the topic with the Ford Motor Company. Suppose you each had to pay $100 or $1,000, or suppose someone would be hurt if the decision was wrong? It has allowed us to use a fun exercise to identify the pitfalls of assumptions and stereotypical situations. Ive used this exercise extensively in customer service and sales soft skills workshops and Ive found it really difficult to find another exercise that beats it when it comes to highlighting how we naturally make assumptions and the importance of active listening. This is Learn More>>. Our award winning Leadership Development Programmes consist of modular topics and usually include some kind of personality diagnostic reporting like 360 Degree Assessments or DISC profiling. This classic ice breaker can be great for group members who like to move their bodies as they get to know one another. 6. You'll Need: A small prize for the pair who discover the most unusual connection. Aims: To encourage participants to share information about themselves. To explore values and beliefs. To build rapport among participants. Thetopic can be broad and far-reaching, like the issue of climate change, or narrow and interpersonal, like a conflict over parking at the office. Useful For:Everyone who interacts with others at work. Seeing Things Differently - Different Perspectives. Your employee turnover will rise if people don't enjoy being at work, and your organization will repeatedly suffer the disruption and costs of replacing employees. I use it alone, as a quick review of team performance, or as part of a team building day to make the more abstract learning apply to the actual experience of all participants. Person A will argue for the motion. The point value should be according to the difficulty of the task. Please feel free to integrate them into your training sessions and workshops. Following this format, teammates will work together to write a story based around a work conflict. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Learn To Control Conflict At Work And Home - Don't Let It Control You! 6. It then required some simple facilitation skills to identify ways to become better listeners and again to highlight some easy steps that everyone could take to improve their skills. Have you tried our Free Samples? Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Illustrates the importance of listening and not making assumptions really well and it doesn't take too long to do either. It Takes A Village To Teach A Child - This was an effective module near the beginning of the course; the delegates had an increased awareness of natural assumptions and listening skills which effectively introduced further modules within the course. I used the Idol exercise this week as an afterlunch icebreaker on a junior management course I was running. Aims: To welcome the participants. To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other. To introduce the facilities. To agree the course objectives and timetable. Larger groups will mean longer running times. I've used it with new recruits to customer service teams and with senior managers in a local council. Ask the participants to work in pairs. Is it difficult to listen when somebody disagrees with you? For instance, You heard, Youre too slow at your job,, I meant, Im stressed out about being able to get my bosses the data they asked for on time.. For this game, employees are paired off into groups of two. Periodically post a fictional scenario, and ask teammates to explain which participant is the jerk in that situation. I then get them to analyse what should be included in the Minutes using ABCD eg what's vitally important (the Absolutes), what are the Basics or the Background to the story, what adds Colour to your minutes to bring the story to life - and what can be left out (the Dumps - eg Christina, the wheelchair etc). I have used this a couple of times now and think its fab. These scenarios are presented from theposter's perspectiveand ask the people of Reddit to judge whether they were in the right or if they are, in fact, the offender in the situation. Remote/Virtual Delivery:There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers Library. Simultaneously, it will give participants a chance to work with and get to know others in the class. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of up to 25 participants. If you are offering conflict management training, these 5 activities should be useful for you. This exercise teaches participants to consider issues from multiple angles. Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Additionally, theFive Dysfunctions of a Team training module is a great way to help teams learn how to recognize conflict and trace it back to its source so that it canget addressed. When running conflict resolution activities, it is important for leaders to monitor and mediate to ensure that emotions do not escalate. I have read the questions out from the materials and this worked just as well as writing them all out on the flip chart. It never fails to entertain the delegates, but always ticks the boxes for active listening as well as assumptions training. Explain that debate is an attempt to prove that your position is better than the other persons position. We believe in a lean, information packed user experience. Next, write the desired result or results. Google+ You can take real AITA scenarios and act them out, with the same analysis and judgment at the end. Then the fun begins. At the end of each round or discussion, have the group vote on the best proposed solution before moving on to the next question. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 30 minutes for completion. Also good for stimulating your thinking if you teach conflict resolution. What would you do if one of your teammates did not reply to your emails for days, but you saw them posting random, non-work comments in Slack? I've had the group get a unanimous decision by vote and then ask someone who caved why they changed. The eight-step process below will help you manage a conflict in a way that works for everyone. Aims: To identify things participants have in common with each other. To explore the impact on relationships of finding common ground. If you give a mouse a cookie, hes going to ask for a glass of milk. This is a great little exercise that really demonstrates to the delegates how readily assumptions are made and how guilty of it they are. One participant remarked afterwards: "I have just realised what a dreadful listener I am", which was a great learning point for all. I have always been a great lover of story telling while training and Goldilocks listening exercise has given me the opportunity to combine a good story with a great activity. Simply gather in a group, then ask volunteers to share stories. Group Size:This module is suitable for use with groups of almost any size. Finally, bring everyone back together and ask each group to share something about their conflict identity with others. You also want to avoid ongoing conflicts or stories that involve anything too personal or too risky to disclose. Notes:If reading the story to participants, we suggest that you rehearse reading the story aloud a few times prior to delivery. Blow Wind, Blow! 1. This means asking each other questions about their items, listening to the answers, and coming to an agreement between them. Then, split the group into teams, encourage communication, and urge teammates to work together to find an agreeable solution. Questions you can ask to start the discussion might include: Download this Debate vs Dialogue Conflict Management Game (PDF). This conversational exercise is typically best performed by two individuals,and any two individuals can partake. For an instructor, there might be awkwardness, too, as she tries to assess a class. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses. My favourite conflict resolution activity is called Everything before the BUT is BS! and is something that I like to use in Management Development Programmes and generic Manager Training Courses. Search Our Network Of Business and Personal Development Sites. Statements might include: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Copyright 2008 - 2023 is a part of ProMarketingOnline Ltd. Conflict resolution is an agreement reached when all or most of the issues of contention are cleared up (Pruitt & Kim, 2004). This is great to use for Presentation skills, Train the Trainer, Assertiveness and Selling Skills. They began to understand the assumptions we make about other cultures and they became receptive to altering their communication style to ensure their interaction was effective. Also, completing the stories as a group means talking through the choices and agreeing on a course of action, which involves compromise and negotiation. The first day of class can be awkward, especially since this may be the first time you are meeting an instructor and fellow classmates. 5. Team training is a new addition to our team time together so as the newly appointed Team Leader (a change to my previous role with the organisation) I was a little apprehensive. Fantastically effective exercise. A good, quick exercise. Aims: To explore why difficult conversations can be necessary and form part of healthy working relationships. Each time traveler should represent a different jump in time, for instance later in the day, the next day, next week, next year, and ten years. You can have participants talk through the scenario, or act it out. Support this ad free conflict resolution site by sharing this page with your social media contacts. The Conflict Strategies Assessment is our solution. Pages Updated On: You'll Need:Nothing, other than the materials provided. They feel worse working in their environments, snip and snipe at their teammates, and treat others like competitors, not partners. . Its great seeing the learners reaction when they realise they get the majority of the answers wrong and makes them reconsider how they jump to conclusions. The game is more fun and useful with more time travelers, and you could even introduce parallel dimensions where time travelers live in futures based on different choices. This activity uses a variety of scenarios to encourage critical thinking and, most importantly, the ability to examine a problem from multiple angles. For teachers, educational administrators In groups, they were able to discuss what they heard and often the lower levels had taken in lots of detail. Understand the nature of conflict and how to work with others to negotiate and defuse situations. Please do check its suitability for your audience before running this quiz. Inform the teams that they must answer the 3 questions: 3. Conflict resolution activities strengthen your team. Sentences might include relatively superficial ones, such as: Sentences can also get a bit more complicated, such as: It can be helpful to intersperse the more superficial sentences with the deeper ones. Students will brainstorm to contrast positive conflict resolution and negative conflict resolution and then learn steps to positively resolve conflicts with friends. An activity called " Knot or No Knot " is great for goal conflicts. I was planning some team-building activities to incorporate into our Business Skills series. (function() { You should have found a more professional way to deal with the problem, instead of harming your coworker. Well written, and contains a good reference list at the end. By cleverly mixing a familiar story with a few challenging twists, it really stretches the short term memory and in my experience results in an up-beat atmosphere. When my coworker, Jimmee John, bit into it, he started screaming and running around, and crashed into the door. Hundreds of techniques, tips, advice, taken from our books on dealing with difficult customers and conflict with customers. His comment was - guess I wasn't really listening! I feel like its a lifeline. 1. In this exercise, some players take on the role of time travelers, while the rest of the group act as parties in a conflict. Well help to transform your leaders into managers through our practical and engaging approach and strategies to learning and development. One of my favourite Trainers' Library exercises that never fails to get people thinking, usually in Diversity training. You'll Need: A single apple (or other type of fruit) for your participants to see. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. Make-believe | 7. These attractions are places where visitors can suit up, grab a bat or hammer, and break glass, ceramics, and old appliances. The delegates have found this to be amusing as it is a clear break away from the business theme of other exercises. Then, you know how challenging and uncomfortable it can be. It comes from Reddit, where the r/AITA subreddit is dedicated to people telling stories of conflicts and scenarios in their lives. You said, I heard is a simple communication exercise. Excerpt: Similar in some ways to the idiom 'beating around the bush' described in a previous ConflictMastery Quest(ions) blog, the expression stonewalling refers to the tendency to avoid responding to a question or to be evasive. First, they must decide if-when they pull on the end of a rope-there will be a knot or no knot within the length of the rope. Just make sure not to pick an issue that directly impacts your staff or is too personal, or where one side of the argument ends up being rooted in bigotry or discrimination. 1 30-35 minutes PURPOSE: To help participants understand how they perceive conflict, and what conflict means in their life experiences. Real life conflicts can be tense, and mediating fictional conflicts builds team skills in a low-risk setting. 3. This leaves very little time to spend on personal Learn More>>. Fun is guaranteed! Use it for both Health and Safety training and also on the PTLLS course I run. The key learning for them came from the fact that they should always listen to what's being said, without making assumptions or listening from their perspective, as the speaker may go off on a tangent that they didn't expect. Pick a topic that is controversial in nature. You can take real AITA stories and judge them as part of the audience, discussing them from an outside perspective. Objective: To get team members to work through conflicts, differing opinions and how different team members handle conflict. We are running a series of sessions on HR Skills for Managers , the first of which deals with Managing Diversity Are You a Fair Manager? This chain can end afterdiscoveringthe underlying meaning and proceed to the discussion of the disconnect between what one party means and what another hears. Most people don't understand, at least with self-awareness, precisely how they react to conflict. The Positive Definitions Game Ice Breaker Activity: 20 to 30 minutes. Use hypotheticals and genericized stories instead. Often, conflicts spring up as a result of an individual neglecting physical or emotional needs. Plus, these exercises provide low-risk environments for teammates to practice and perfect these abilities. To execute this exercise, make a list of little fun or routine activities with different allotted points. YTA, for yes, you are. Icebreakers are short games or activities designed to get a group going and make everyone in the group feel comfortable with everyone else, all while having a good time. Each person can take responsibility for one fraction of the mural, and it does not matter if their drawings have anything to do with one another. Some examples: "The king could no longer walk". It promotes the ability to navigate down the middle for a solution. Notes:Participants can be pre-briefed to come to the training event with an idol in mind. Here's how it works. What I particularly like about this exercise is that it can be adapted to use in a variety of different sessions. Be cautious here about the stories each individual chooses. The M&M's challenge 1. The other person will then either just answer the question or answer and follow up with another question, but which must build on the previous question. We tend to train somewhat cynical engineers who really take a lot of engaging in order to deliver any Soft Skills. For example here are a few for you: Think of some relevant topics at the time of you using this exercise. In fact some people had been quite arrogant in their assumptions intially and quickly realised that this resulted in their undoing! After 10 minutes the managers and employees must come together and negotiate a final outcome. Time:This exercise will take about 5 minutes to complete. We had recently introduced customer service standards and to bring the policy alive rather than just sit on a shelf, I ran a team training morning session using Goldilocks as part of the session. It's an old favourite and can be used in so many ways. Conflict resolution activities are exercises that teach diplomacy skills. At the end of the two rounds, start a discussion. If you are a member of Glasstap you can submit one using the contact us screen. 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