4. But I believe most young people who make mistakes with the law of chastity are able to repent and then go on a mission. Thanks. Alma counseled his son Corianton, who had been unfaithful in his missionary calling and had committed serious sins: Let your sins trouble you, with that trouble which shall bring you down unto repentance. How long will the repentance process take? At times, we should fast for special blessings. Repentance is a life long process, so we should never stop repenting, leaving behind our mistakes, and coming unto Jesus Christ. Why does it still come back to me? It sounds like she is a great support. That was a blessing that Elder Cook says will continue to benefit families . I have been so against the church for the past couple years and really dont know how to go about this. During this time, I also developed an addiction to pornography. I hope this answers your question. I just really want to serve a mission now and I feel terrible about these sins. Jessica, To me, the best thing to do is the safe thing to do because I always think it is better to be safe than sorryand that would be to talk to your bishop about it. I have been talking to my bishop and have told him everything. Of course it is better not to be involved in sin, but the Lord provides a way for us to repent and improve our lives through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I will confess as soon as possible, but. Good luck and God bless. This is done under the care of a bishop or branch president and possibly a stake or mission president, who serve as watchmen and judges in the Church. It is unlikely that you will be excommunicated, but what you have done is serious and all the steps of repentance that you will need to take will be determined by the Lord through the bishop he has called to preside over your ward. Thats wonderful that you have a desire to serve a mission. Your bishop will need to know all that happened, but I wouldnt classify his questions as an effort to know every single detail. As you follow the teachings of Jesus and the guidance of your priesthood leaders, you will be washed clean of your sins through the atoning power of our Savior Jesus Christ. How do we know a person has repented? I even considered her as a best friend before. Im so terrified because I just want and crave forgiveness. When we get up in the morning, we should examine ourselves to see whether the Spirit of God is with us. True love is developed by those who are willing to readily admit personal mistakes and offenses.1. He chafes at the fact that his premortal apostasy permanently disqualifies him from this privilege, leaving him in a constant state of jealousy and resentment. You will need Heavens help, and I know that help is available to the humble followers of our Savior Jesus Christ. Then one day, she invited me to go to their house and play with their computer. Answer. Remember that because of the death and suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ, his atoning sacrifice, and by following His prescribed ordinances, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18). The Lord has said, By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sinsbehold, he will confess them and forsake them (Doctrine and Covenants 58:43). I just had again unfortunately with another men and I am myself an men . We all need to repent in order to be worthy to return to live with our Heavenly Father. See 2Nephi 9:23; Mosiah 4:6; 3Nephi 9:22; 27:19. my family has been members of the church my whole life. No one has ever suffered in any degree what He did. Charlotte, The sacrament is a sacred ordinance and it should be partaken of worthily. From my experience, people who have truly repented, truly changed, are deserving of our greatest admiration and respect. I am very much aware that it is wrong but cant help to speak up for myself because I really dont want to lose her and I love her just as my bff. The world is full of temptations. My question is how long do i have to wait before i can take the sacrament? Resentment is one of the worst poisons in marriage. The most important thing is that you follow the promptings of the Spirit of God. You will likely have to wait a year from the time you broke the law of chastity. I have always had the thought of a temple marriage in the back of my mind, for that reason i have never had any type of sexual contact with another person. I hope everything goes well for you. should i repent or wait when our wedding is about some months? Repenting requires us to look inward, be humble, and take responsibility for our mistakes and weaknesses. He assure you that he will be loving and supportive and will help you in many ways that you do not now realize. The Lord said to early Church missionaries, And in this place let them lift up their voice and declare my word with loud voices, without wrath or doubting, lifting up holy hands upon them. Or just abstain from that until i feel ready to enter to the temple again? Stay strong. If your bishop is unclear or needs more information, he will ask for it. Repentance makes it possible for us to grow and develop spiritually again. I am glad you have the desire to repent. But he told me that he needed to tell bishop my name so that he can fully repent. In a way we do not fully understand, Jesus paid for our sins. Regarding a temple recommend, for that you definitely will need to talk to your bishop. Be humble and through the grace of God and his Son Jesus Christ. We know that men are free according to the flesh. But the thing is were still having hopes for the Atonement. Just like when the Nephites went to battle against the Lamanites and prepared themselves with defensive armor, you must be prepared to defend yourself from Satans temptations each day. How long you will have to wait depends on the revelation received by your bishop as you work with him. Im 18 and its currently January, I hope to put my mission papers in April. As you discuss the principles of repentance with class members or family members, you may want to ask someone to write the principles on the board or on a large piece of paper. I love the church and will accept the outcome no matter what, but I cant think of anything more painful than being denied this mission. If left untreated, it builds up over a number of years to the point where it destroys love. Our sins make us uncleanunworthy to return and dwell in the presence of our Heavenly Father. So great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror. See Jude 1:1721; 2Nephi 2:25, 27; 28:20; see also 1Nephi 8:1012, 2123; 11:2122; 12:17; Doctrine and Covenants 10:22; Moses 5:13. It makes sense to me, which is one of the reasons why I believe it. There can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy (Alma 36:1214, 1721). Thank you. Nevertheless, it sounds to me like the Spirit of God is urging you to go talk to the bishop again, so I always encourage people to follow those promptings. God bless. No one can ever be forgiven of any transgression until there is repentance, and one has not repented until he has bared his soul and admitted his intentions and weaknesses without excuses or rationalizations. The decision pertaining to excommunication would result from the leader with priesthood keys who presides at the disciplinary . Isnt repentance an individual act that is different for different people? Nick, Im sorry to hear about the difficulties you are having. The battle against Satan is real. The only problem is, I always remember this past problem or mistake Ive made. But as you indicated, you dont want to go through your mission wondering and having the issue in the back of your mind. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sinsbehold, he will confess them and forsake them.. You said you feel good where you are at, and that probably is because the Lord has forgiven you. I had never had oral sex or intercourse with anyone until about 7 months ago when I met this girl who I dated for a while. Then you dont tell your bishop about it cause you still want to go on a mission but now you have stopped comittimg the sin. Repentance is always the right thing to do, and now is always the time to start (Alma 34:33 I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance). i.e. We come to earth for the purpose of growing and progressing. Whether or not you talk to your bishop about this is something between you and the Lord. I know that now even more especially after what happened. I don't know if that's typical timing but it doesn't seem like an unreasonable wait to me. I am currently 22 and I turn 23 in January. Maedros . Thank you. No bishop and none of your friends and family who truly know you, will think ill of you because you are working towards full repentance. President Ezra Taft Benson (18991994) taught: Think of the repentance that could take place with lives changed, marriages preserved, and homes strengthened, if pride did not keep us from confessing our sins and forsaking them., The antidote for pride is humilitymeekness, submissiveness. Be prayerful. Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye ought to forgive one another; for he that forgiveth not his brother his trespasses standeth condemned before the Lord; for there remaineth in him the greater sin (D&C 64:9). Remember what the Lord told Hyrum Smith, Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my word, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men. (D&C 11:21). But, I am very much afraid of confessing to the bishop since my dad is his councelor. I love that he used the word "enthusiasm" when talking about repentance. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point (Alma 42:2930). Good luck and God bless you. We need to get up off the couch, put down the remote, and wake up from our spiritual slumber. In order for a marriage to be successful, there also needs to be forgiveness. Become one with her. Hi. She also said that she would still love me just the same if I didnt go. A simple sorry or the slightly more eloquent sorry about that rarely provides the necessary evidence that you feel remorseful and take responsibility for your actions. Regardless of the time frame, please always strive to move forward, keeping your covenants, and following the path of our Savior Jesus Christ. As you talk to your bishop, and complete all the steps of the repentance process, you will be preparing yourself for a mission, temple marriage, and eternal life with Heavenly Father. If you have a need to repent because of the way you have treated the women closest to you, begin now. Remember what the Book of Mormon missionary Aaron taught King Lamonis father about fully repenting, if thou wilt repent of all thy sins, and will bow down before God, and call on his name in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then shalt thou receive the hope which thou desirest (Alma 22:16). The battle with sin is real. Daily repentance is the pathway to purity, and purity brings power. Of course, youll want to talk to your bishop about it since he represents that Lord in making that determination. What is the best thing for me to do? Im scared to tell my bishop because of what everyone is gunna think when I dont take the sacrament anymore and there is only two priest in my ward and when I cant bless then that means theres only one and everyone will think so thing is goin on what do I do? How do the teachings in this section differ from the false idea that repentance is the performance of a list of simple steps or routine actions? I dont trust the bishop I have now, he and I arent close and I really have a bad feeling about him. You could very well be ready to take the sacrament now. But this feeling of being penalized is engendered by Satan. Be prayerful, drink deeply from the scriptures, and I know that through the power of God you will be able to overcome it and be able to return to live with your Father in Heaven in Celestial glory. Am I still eligible to go? Basically, he has trained himself to think that the LDS church is not the foundation to build on. Well, if a person confessed this issue to their bishop, then there should be follow up interviews to see how progress is going. Good luck with your mission prep. To make the story short, she invited me to watch videos, lets just say videos that are not pleasing to God. This is something I have wondered for a long time but never researched. I am really not sure and I dont know why. The last thing you would want is nagging feelings about whether or not your repentance is complete. . A gossip who has slandered the character of a person should work to restore the good name of the person he has harmed. It neutralizes our hurt feelings and makes room in our hearts for love to flourish and grow. As it says in James 5:20, missionary work shall hide a multitude of sins, both of the converted or the converter. Usually, any waiting period imposed by your bishop or stake president will be from the time the last sin was committed. I can also promise you that being clean and worthy to married in the temple is within your grasp thanks to the healing power of our Savior Jesus Christ. Repentance is timeless. Law of chastity violations are very serious, and in some cases these sins can prevent people from serving a full time mission. Most law of chastity violations are serious sins and require confessing to the bishop. Brett, I can give you my thoughts, but they would be just that, my own opinion based on what I have seen and heard. The things you are experiencing will help you grow. I testify that the Savior not only heals broken souls; He also heals broken hearts. Am afraid to talk it out to my bishop and i dont know. A useful article on the role of a Bishop in repentance, and when to see him- Why and What Do I need to Confess to my Bishop states: "Some mistakes, especially those regarding immorality, require confession to the bishop before you can receive the Lord's forgiveness.". I have never act in misconduct on the field before. Id be happy to quit because smoking weed does not bring me joy, but Im more concerned with the result of this sin. The evidence of repentance is transformation. Come to God through prayer, scripture study, and religious devotion. Remember what the Jesus said in John 15: 3-4, that as we abide in the Savior, we are clean through his word. Im glad you want to be a missionary. But be assured that there is healing, whether you are the victim or if you sinned, though our Savior Jesus Christ. I want to clear something up. Willing restitution shows the Lord that we will do all we can to repent. I suggest going to your new ward tomorrow and talk to the clerk right away and ask for an appointment to meet with the bishop. Thats my advice. I hope this helps clarify some of your confusion. I got baptized when I was 15 and first had relations when I was already a member. God bless you, and good luck with all your mission preparation. May God bless and be with you. Continue to talk with him on a regular basis. Have courage to move forward with faith. For example, we keep our promises to do the dishes. The short answer to your questions is no, you do not need to confess all your past sins when you join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as an adult convert. If you are unsure of your standing before God, then I recommend you go talk to your bishop. Its for a friend, if he told his bishop that he was masturbating, he will going to tell that everything about what he did on masturbation? Maedros. If we have stolen something, we will steal no more. Andrew, If your sins are not too serious and do not require confession, then it is possible to repent and go on your mission without ever telling the specifics to your bishop or parents. No one can repent unless God grants repentance. Lupexis, Its always best to repent right away, as the prophet Alma said, Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance. (Alma 34:33) I advise you to go talk to your bishop as soon as possible. Tonight I realized the serious if this sin and I now know that it needs to be addressed to my bishop. Do you still even enter the mtc and just work through it with? True repentance is not superficial. (The Divine Gift of Repentance,D. Todd Christofferson, October 2011). Jacob, Im glad you have the desire to serve a mission. For young people going on a mission, a bishop will want to know that the missionary candidate has been free of the sin of masturbation for a month and is committed to not doing it again before they turn in the mission application paperwork. And while it was happening Ive never prayed so hard in my life. Forsaking = 1 year? Thank you Ive been looking for someone to talk to for a long time. So Im preparing to serve a mission at the moment. Thank you again. We need to forgive and move on. After We Repent, We Need to Let Go and Trust God. Throughout the years I have had sexual relationship with 2 people and I feel terrible. You are of divine origin and that you are loved beyond your understanding. The spouses become distant from each other, and they keep their interaction to a minimum. Just curious. It sounds like you have learned that lesson and youll be a better women for it in the future. We are not repentant if we do not sustain the authorities of the Church and do not love the Lord and our fellowmen. May we be willing to take responsibility for our own sins and weaknesses that create stress and pain in our marriages. I always ask myself Am I forgiven? We must flee immediately from any compromising situation. I feel like I have let Heavenly Father down and broken my promises that I made in baptism. I was was frozen with fear as the time came to be interviewed prior to my baptism and didnt say anything. And you do!! Also how long would i have to wait to get a temple recommend to do baptisms for the dead? What can we do so we can marry in the temple. If we do not admit this, we cannot repent. Thus many, if not most, of the temptations he puts in our path cause us to abuse our bodies or the bodies of others. Marriage is too important for us to clutter our minds and hearts with resentment that is created by dwelling on the faults and weaknesses of our spouse. May God bless and be with you. Then you can like Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to whom the Lord said in D&C 110: 5 Behold, your sins are forgiven you; you are clean before me; therefore, lift up your heads and rejoice. Good luck and may God bless and be with you. This tells me that with the Church repentance is very conditional. I have asked repeatedly for help from the Lord and He does help me, but I not enough it feels like. I bless you to communicate the love of the Savior to your wife and children and to all who know you. Good luck and God bless you and I hope to see you on a mission a year from now. Good luck with your mission preparation. Through the years, I strive myself to repent. We eventually ended up having sex and tried to stop multiple times, as both of us plan on going on missions. And did it again, but moved wards because of a move with homes. Take that opportunity to discuss with your bishop how you can know if the Lord has forgiven you. Good luck and God bless. Aut I was ignorant of the red flags and since then, I have been much more careful to not allow myself to get into that kind of situation again. Eventually I was able to stop involving myself with it, and I prayed and asked for forgiveness, but I still was taking the sacrament and was too embarrassed and afraid to tell anyone because I didnt want them to be disappointed. The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to disrupt testimonies and impede the work of the Lord. Im 27 now and i have not had any alcohol or caffeine for a year and burned my last playboys two months ago, i have also stopped cursing. You may also ask your priesthood leaders what ideas they have, and that could include some kind of addiction support group. Im not a homosexual. He will be loving and supportive and help you reach your righteous goals. Im now at the point where i want to serve a mission. President SpencerW. Kimball declared: There is no royal road to repentance, no privileged path to forgiveness. At first, I wasnt really tempted, but then later on I was tempted to watch it. We must maintain an unyielding, permanent resolve that we will never repeat the transgression. It is best to go tell him everything now. They will keep confessions confidential and help throughout the process of repentance. Ultimately I want to serve a mission and have a temple marriage if possible, but I just really dont know where to start when It come to getting on the covenant path. Its been 3 years and I want to go on a mission in 4 years. Only your bishop can determine if youll be able to serve a mission. Matt, I commend you for your desire to serve a mission. . When you talk to your bishop, be sure to tell him of your desire to serve a mission and he will do what he can to help you prepare to be a great missionary. Remember that God loves you, and that perfect love casteth out fear (1 John 4:18). Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord said, Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool (Isaiah 1:18). Youre Heavenly Father loves you and has provided the way for you to change and improve through the Atonement of His Son Jesus Christ. Initially, it is obvious that Adam and Eve did not repent. I am also planning to apply for a mission by next year but would i have to open this up for my mission prep? 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