Pterosaur Eyewitness Group Support (PEGS) this blog promotes emotional and social assistance between persons who have seen a living pterosaur. . . In Perth, Australia, in 1997, a man and his wife were taking an evening walk when they saw a gigantic flying creature soaring towards them, eventually getting very close. The pterosaur is very real . This staged photograph of Pteranodon discredited the original one. Experts now say that it was a ropen. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. The flying light seen one night in 2004, in Papua New Guinea, by a New Hampshire businessman, was a living pterosaur, according to the newly published book Searching for Ropens.. . Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. . . Rather than delve into speculations about fossils, lets now consider eyewitness testimonies. Observed in full daylight At first I thought it was a vulture. How does that relate to this video? Hasbro Lines - Main Lines - Collector Lines - Movie LInes; Takara Lines . No photos were taken but three-toed, 8-inch tracks were found in Harlingen. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs, and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington D.C.) of the United States. Just before noon, on June 19, 2012, in her backyard in Lakewood, California,[the anonymous lady]clearly saw, at a close distance, what impressed her as a dragon-pterodactyl. It had no feathers but the tail she estimated at about six feet long. . Im almost positive whatI saw fly over the freeway in Los Angeles WAS NOT a bird of any kind. The third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, published in November, 2011, supports literal interpretations of the Bible regarding the Flood of Genesis; this nonfiction cryptozoology book, however, does not preach religion: It reveals the efforts of creationist cryptozoologists who have searched for living pterosaurs and interviewed eyewitnesses. A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. . We did have three sightings of a flying light. This post briefly mentions the book The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur, but this is mainly about sightings of apparent pterosaurs, seen by children, in the following countries: The above locations for sightings are not in the book itself but are in the above-linked blog post. it turned around and it stood still in the air, it was flapping its wings while it was there. No feathers,and the wings were pointed and never flapped. The following is overly simplistic, I know, but consider this: With about 300 million persons in the United States, if my sisters experience is typical then more than 300,000 persons in the USA, at least once in each of their lives, must have had a good sighting of a living pterosaur. ), a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era, has been extinct for over 60 million years; however, several recent sightings may suggest these large "flying" reptiles are still alive. . . [The creature flew] "at low altitude," in front of his car, over the road (Campus Drive), into the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. * * *Watch at least two of the following videos about these fascinating flying creatures: Dragons and Pterodactyl Sightings - Big Flying Creatures ROPEN!? . Old Photograph of Pteranodon During Civil War, 2. Its almost always while one or more eyewitnesses are outside. . Fifteen miles of her commute is on a two-lane 55-mph road through woods alternating with pastures; This part of Highway 82 has few houses . [Introduction to Los Angeles Herald article] The Fresno sportsman now goes gunning for pterodactyls. The refer the apparent Pteranodon to modern pterosaur and the photograph as Ptp. . Those two encounters, however, were in different years and with different eyewitnesses. Pterodactyl is the common word many people use to describe to two famous pterosaurs of the Mesozoic Era: Pteranodon and Pterodactylus. Report it safely and privately here: the terms and conditions (legal): Rather than begin by listing my four cryptozoology books, lets look at what you would like as a reader or at the needs and interests of the reader for which you would give a book as a gift. Location of sighting: Lansing, Illinois. These two paperbacks include much information about ropens. She estimated that it had a 20 foot wingspan. Flying northeast at about 4:00 p.m. Calif. In that same general area, about two years later, Susan Wooten witnessed a huge flying creature: "as big as any car and had NO feathers." Washington I received an email from man who reported a pair of ropen-like creatures in the state of Washington. . The Western dogma of universal pterosaur extinction is on its way out, soon to become extinct itself. Despite their appearance, they were not related to birds and were highly successful flyers that might have dined on fish and insects. . Pterosaurs in Griffith Park and Other Areas in So. It was right over us [90-120 feet high] . Biblical and scientific perspectives on extant pterosaurs. . Video appears to show a bird-like creature with a very large wingspan I feel like I could not have been the only one to see [it]that day. Its tail, which I could see clearly, was straight and had a diamond shape on the end. . As I stood there a creature glided down from my right to just above water level directly in front of me, no more than 50 from where I was. It was in upstate New York and no one believes me. [Comment made, around February of 2017, on an online post: Dinosaur Sightings: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive Today in Africa?], Other Pterodactyl Encounters While Driving. Lake Isabella in California - pterodactyl or ropen sighting near here Large flying creature in California I was fishing for crappie April, 2020, at Lake Isabella an hour above Bakersfield Calif. . However, none are appreciably different or more compelling . . Slack and his buddy searched the sky for the Andromeda Nebula. with a head-body-tail ratio that was certainly not that of a bird. I watched him fly across to a large tree . . As far as the tail goes, I did not see a tail but my son said he did as the creature whipped it aroundhe said it had sharp projections on the tipbut it was moving so fast he said he just got a glimpse of it . This has a different format than the other videos that I uploaded to my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life, although its a common style on Youtube. To add more to the mystery of the photograph, there is a second photograph floating on internet space that is very similar a group of soldiers again standing over a different carcass. In other words, many of those who commented on The Gear Page forum knew little or nothing about pterosaurs except what they had been exposed to all of their lives: universal extinctions. . Ebay: None YouTube (Old): . . Although there seems to be no hard evidence that pterosaurs did not die out millions of years ago - no pterosaurs have ever been captured and no bodies have ever been found - sightings have persisted. . it didnt look like a bird . Fourteen years ago, in [Socorro], N.M., me and a close friend, who now has a masters in biology, were hiking during the midday sun at [a] box canyon and something blocked the sun for a moment. Then another person driving on that freeway saw an apparent pterosaur flying near where the other sighting was reported, east of Griffith Park, and it was just a few weeks later (in 2013). Or why do they assume that if a few bird watchers saw a living pterodactyl then the whole western world would suddenly believe in those large featherless flying creatures? a 38-year-old woman saw what she at first called a dragon pteradactal. The featherless winged creature was sitting on a telephone cable above her backyard, on June 19, 2012 . Youtube playlist Pterodactyl Sightings in California. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. . . The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but its not technically about dinosaurs: Its a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. . This is a Youtube channel trailer video for Protect Animal Life, with brief excerpts from seven living-pterosaur videos, out of about 170 total videos on this channel, almost all of which relate to pterodactyl sightings . Age: 68. If only a few thousands of Americans had encounters, I we would not see so many reports that included references to other eyewitnesses who also had sightings. Music video: living pterosaurs in California. They appeared light in colorwhite, gray or light green. I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. Here's the report from October 10, 2017 (anon. . None of us had a clear view of the ropen, at least not clear enough to see any details of form or features. . Early in 2013, a musician reported a close encounter with a pterodactyl that flew in front of his car while he was driving on a highway in Raleigh, North Carolina, at sundown. I had to resist a powerful urge to confine that word source within quotation marks, where the dubious are often detained. A few skeptics have declared that no bird watchers have ever seen a modern pterosaur. This forum discussion began in March of 2013 (The Gear Pagestill online early in June of 2018), when the great majority of Americans had little or no comprehension of any reports of pterosaur sightings in North America. After the encounter, the man estimated its wingspan was between 30 feet and 50 feet, probably closer to 50. There have been a number of alleged pterosaur sightings around the world. They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states The men who live along the swales and sand hollows east and southeast of Selma on the evening of July 13th heard strange sounds in the air just after dark, like the rushing of wings when some large bird passes swiftly through the air overhead. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs, and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington, Patty Carsons sketch of the ropen she saw. I was fishing on the western side near the South fork. When shown illustrations of pterosaurs, Melland reported, the natives identified them as most resembling kongamoto. While many experts believe the drawing is a bird, the beak, head prominence, wings, and legs also look very much like those of a pterosaur. We each draw our own conclusions about these amazing flying creatures, yet we agree on many things. Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020. I am a scientist, and I have discovered that the great majority of eyewitness sighting reports of extant pterosaurs are neither misidentifications nor hoaxes . Yet these featherless flying creatures have been encountered in other areas of the United States, including California. 3. It was Fox TV/Universal Studio prop used to promote a Television series called FreakyLinks, produced by Haxan Films at the beginning of the 21st century. . Whitcomb (2014) relates additional sightings of supposed pterosaurs in other countries, including England, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, and Canada. One of the men told me, It was about 8 pm. I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. The popular, textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions, of years ago, universal pterosaur extinctionthat concept, itself is approaching extinction. Jonathan Whitcomb. Where does that lead? . Pterosaur Eyewitness Group Support PEGS. They said it fluttered its wings, let out a croaking noise and then dropped dead at their feet. For sighting #1, in the words of an eyewitness, "It turned its head and looked right at me". Available on Amazon and from some other online retailers, At 154 pages, it is filled with detailed eyewitness testimonies of living pterosaurs in the United States of America, Highly rated, by readers, in its first and second editions, Published by Createspace (associated with and supported by Amazon), "Am I Crazy" on Youtube | | Live Pterosaur, Overview of the Evolution Boundary Experiment. The creature had thick black, leathery skin, a beak full of sharp teeth, long talons for feet, and membrane-like wings that spanned 10 feet, 7 inches, by their measure. . In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . A man (who has two college degrees in biology) and his son together had a sighting in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Eyewitnesses from around the world testify of the featherless flying creatures that they have observed, unlike any bat and obviously not any bird. . Modesto California Likes: +2,039. Reflector Series As mentioned in the Cryptomundo website, the second photograph in fact shows a Prop of Pteranodon and some guys dressed in Civil War costumes to enact and imitate the old photograph. Anyway, Im driving behind a man who is driving a mini-van . 2. I slowed down and asI was looking the birds suddenly BURST from one of the trees! . .. Altadena, California (north of Pasadena) about 1968. The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times, Stories of Live Animals Sealed Within Stone, 10 Lesser-Known U.S. Monsters and Cryptids, Lottery Curse Victims: 7 People Who Won Big & Lost Everything, Snowy Scares: Horror Movies to Feed Your Winter Need. . By the way, the sightings reported in this book are generally of ropens: long-tailed featherless flying creatures unlike any scientifically-acknowledged bat. . . Reportedly, some people from the middle of the 20th century saw the first, original photograph; long before digital Photoshop/image processing was generally available. What a surprise awaits you at the end of this video! Not a reissue or rerelease . Susan Wooten was following her friend, who was driving ahead on a major country highway, when the huge flying creature passed right in front of her car. Learn of the searches and research done by a few American cryptozoologists who stand up to ridicule and proclaim the truth. In 2005, Garth Guessman, another ropen investigator, in Montana video-taped his own interview with Hodgkinson and the session was analyzed by Whitcomb, who became even more convinced the World War II veteran was telling the truth: The man had seen a ropen. Pterodactyls have been reported in many areas of North America, including Minnesota. 1. If pterosaurs really died out with the dinosaurs and their fossil remains were not first discovered until 1784, then a depiction of one could not possibly exist in an ancient rock carving. She had driven less than ten miles, just leaving an area of pasture, entering an area of thick woods, around a mild downhill curve, with high banks and brush on each side of the road, when an animal suddenly flew from the right, just over the front of her car., Belief in Modern Pterosaurs Reply to a Critic. Was there a head crest? For sighting #1, in the. pterodactyls) hunt bats at night. Granted, a mile from any storm channel or stream bed in Los Angeles County (see Sherman Oaks above) takes in a lot of area; but five of the above eight sightings were well under half a mile, and the Lakewood sighting was of an apparent ropen almost directly above a channel. . . Yes, some scientists believe that a limited number of species of pterosaurs have survived into modern times. . In this video of the PAL channel (Protect Animal Life) get the testimony of the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson and two natives in Papua New Guinea. \"Worldwide Ropens - Pterodactyls Almost Everywhere\" = 4:28)A number of eyewitnesses are mentioned, including Duane Hodgkinson, Candace Worman, and Jonathan ArcherDescription:The large nocturnal long-tailed featherless flying creature called \"ropen\"that apparent pterodactyl is observed worldwide, in many nations of the earth. many similarities exist with these flying creatures that are seen by eyewitnesses across many areas of the planet. COLUMN: UFO sighting stats show a focus on Baker County. . Pterosaurs were not dinosaurs, but a family of large flying reptiles ("pterosaur" means "winged lizard") that includes the pterodactyl and Pteranodon. A: I did see its head crest [yes] The person may not be aware of his or her own assumptions about me and my writings and my small online video productions, probably having only very limited experience with them. This morning at about 6 a.m. At least two pterosaur species, (quite uncommon, mostly nocturnal) still live in North America. The April 25, 1890, edition of the Tombstone Epitaph ran a story of two Arizona ranchers who claimed to have chased on horseback a flying monster "resembling a huge alligator with an extremely elongated tail and an immense pair of wings." The apparent pterosaur was flying about 1700 feet from the end of a storm channel, a few years ago, just south of the Long Beach Airport. Altadena, California (north of Pasadena) - about 1968 The "pterodactyl" was as long as a bus, as it flew up into the mountains above Altadena. 2. Living pterosaurs or misidentified birds? The photograph in question shows a group of civil war soldiers posing before camera around what appears like an enormous bird carcass (said to be pterodactyl) they apparently killed (or found). . Pterosaur or Pterodactyl Sightings By Jonathan Whitcomb Featherless flying reptiles appear to live across the globe, shocking and sometimes frightening eyewitnesses of these apparent modern pterosaurs. . In this video, I get into a sighting in Altadena, California, in about the year 1969. . That does not mean blind faith, believing without any reason to believe, but it can mean taking one or two steps onto the path ahead, even when the light does not yet quite reach that far. Many Youtubers make similar recordings of themselves, although not usually while theyre sitting on a couch. It flew right over us . I looked back at the road and witnessed the man swerve off the road and flip his van into [a field next to the road]. At the same time a cry was heard, resembling that of a swan, though enough different to make it plain it was not a swan . On March 18, 2013, I compared eight sighting reports of apparent pterosaurs in Southern California. For Americans, that can mean driving. . (*The encounters themselves may be older.). Music video: living pterosaurs in California. Yes, some scientists believe that a limited number of species of pterosaurs have survived into modern times. . But the details in the descriptions, not the labels chosen by eyewitnesses, determine how likely it is that a person has observed a live pterosaur. That just sounds like a mental illness. . the dog started shaking, rolled on her back and peed all over herself! Someone else had to see. . The pterodactyl was as long as a bus, as it flew up into the mountains above Altadena. The extinct species pterosaurs lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America. . . Their wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points. Several more have been reported from Texas and here is an interview with Scott Norman about his Pterodactyl sighting in California State. The other day, I was doing an online search and found the following report (which Ive condensed and slightly edited for clear English): In 2010 I saw a flying dinosaur. This image is actually not a photo from the American Civil War, but it does appear to be a valid photograph of a modern pterosaur. Lake Isabella in California pterodactyl or ropen sighting near here. . Joined: . [One of the sightings in this video was in Altadena, California, in the late 1960's, close to Pasadena; another sighting was in Irvine, California]. The species lived in the same location as several other hominins, but were much larger in body size. . With wingspans reaching nearly 40 feet, pterosaurs ruled the prehistoric skies for over 100 million years, until they died out with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. . . Those numbers fit well with the following three factors: If many more persons had significant sightings, like many millions of Americans, these flying creatures would have been discovered before now and I would be swamped by eyewitness reports. Gigantopithecus is an extinct genus of ape that existed as recently as 100,000 years ago. . Here are the videos (as of Aug 31, 2019): Five months ago today, I uploaded my first video to the Youtube channelProtect Animal Life. I feel blessed that God has allowed me to see this creature that should not be here, and yet is, this strange dragon-like thing that lives somewhere in the woods in this redneck little town., Dragon Pterodactyl Living in California. Pterodactyl with a Pee said: . Lets now look at where this video channel stands as of August 29, 2019. In Texas, there were reports of pterosaurs in Harlingen in 1976, San Antonio in 1976 and Los Fresnos in !982. From the back cover of this nonfiction cryptozoology book: Americans, for years, have reported obvious living pterosaurs, with sightings in Washington state, California, New Mexico, Texas, Ohio, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, Kansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Missouri. . He described the dark gray or black animal as 30 feet long, with 15-16 feet of that being a tail. The persons who had significant sightings in the USA probably number at least 150,000, although only 25% of those involved good-enough views of the animals to make it reasonable for the persons to tell one or more persons about it. Pteranodon is a genus of pterosaurs (not dinosaurs) including some of the largest known flying reptiles with wingspans over 6 meters (20 ft). A women who had lived for sixty years at the lake was fishing beside me. . ThatsdumbDoit 2 yr. ago. The pterosaur stood on two rather spindly legs and had wings composed of a leathery membrane that stretched from the animal's extremely long fourth finger to its body. . . . he saw something like a Pteranodon, with bat-like wings but a wingspan of about 8-10 feet and a head that he estimated was four feet long.. News releases on pterodactyls It had small things in the middle of the wings that could have been claws, according to the eyewitness, who reported the sighting on a musicians forum within hours of the encounter. That didnt strike me as right so I asked her if she was sure and she said they werent lights exactly, but that the wings had a glow or reflection. Its bat-like skin was a dark tannish color. This was just northeast of downtown Los Angeles. The most recent sighting had been just fifteen days earlier, between Griffith Park and Glendale. . Old Photograph of Pteranodon Taken During Civil War, Old Photograph of Pteranodon Taken During Civil War: Fact Check. In that country,snooping around on private property might get you on the wrong side of a gun. ### . The eyewitness said, As to there being any lights or luminescencethe grayish colored areas of my sketches was a dull grayish brown (Brackish) color that could easily be seen with the naked eye against the night sky. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. Had no feathers but the tail she estimated that it had a 20 foot wingspan on property! Wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points ) 1968... Not a bird of any kind awaits you at the end in upstate New and. 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