Duty as to the Lord's return-watchfulness, 13:11-14. . This is the substance of the matter Christ saves, and we trust. the word of faith -- The gospel peached by the apostles. He shall own that once glorious seat of royalty in Israel. Hence, therefore, it was in no way limited to any particular nation, such as those that had already been under the law and government of God. He here shows the fatal mistake that the unbelieving Jews were guilty of, which was their ruin. The law which was given upon Mount Sinai, though it was not a pure covenant of works (for who then could be saved under that dispensation?) Here now we have the basis for missionary activity by the church. "The righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? "This wail of despair takes many forms: one man puts it thus: "What doings can I perform by which I can be saved? In true faith, there is need of a great deal of submission; therefore the first lesson Christ teaches is to deny ourselves. That is quite true, because Isaiah says: "Lord, who has believed what they heard from us?" At least they have a, Seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God, i. Verse 17. But this may be comparatively a light question. The first of these phrases, "from faith," excludes the law; the second, "to faith," includes every one that has faith within the scope of God's righteousness. Now, was it not extreme folly in the Jews to adhere so closely to this way of justification and salvation, which was in itself so hard, and by the corruption of nature now become impossible, when there was a new and a living way opened? What have you to say to that?" As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, So the gospel does not propose a second way, and suggest "a larger hope," but it declares with solemn decision, "He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." 1-8 at the best online prices at eBay! The consequences are thus pursued; first, the general place of the believer now, in all respects, in relation to the past, the present, and the future. It was the boast of the Jews that the law spoke about them; that the Gentiles had no right to it, and were but presuming on what belonged to God's chosen people. The doctrine of faith therefore, which reposes on the cross, establishes law, instead of making it void, as every other principle must (verses 27-31). To the contrary, the salvation of God is as near them as their own mouths and hearts. Here I shall be very brief. You say, "Chuck, that is too narrow. The way of salvation is now both plain and easy. Oh, my bearer, our salvation lies in this! Now, I hope I have put it plainly. "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. He quotes also from Isaiah "Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed." The law is not compelled to lower its terms, as though it had originally asked too much; it is holy and just and good, and ought not to be altered in one jot or tittle, nor can it be. So that we have here a brief summary of the terms of salvation, and they are very reasonable; in short this, that we must devote, dedicate, and give up, to God, our souls and our bodies--our souls in believing with the heart, and our bodies in confessing with the mouth. A soul may as truly, no doubt, be put into relationship with God be made very happy, it may be; but it is not what Scripture calls "peace with God." He introduced a new religion and way of worship, to which the former must give place. The soul is brought into peace with God, as it finds its standing in the grace of God, and, more than that, rejoices in hope of the glory of God. Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Harga saham emiten migas Grup Bakrie PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (ENRG) dan emiten milik taipan Prajogo Pangestu PT Barito Pacific Tbk (BRPT) kompak menjadi top losers hingga penutupan sesi I, Rabu (1/3/2023). There is no good reason for such an assumption, but much against it. In both Old and New it is the same substantial testimony. Choose a chapter and verse from 'Romans' to begin your 'Verse-by-Verse' study of God's Word using the more than 100 commentaries available on StudyLight.org. He says, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." But now it is "the wrath of God from heaven;" and consequently it is in view of eternal things, and not of those that touch present life on the earth. Jezreel, Lo-ruhamah, and Lo-ammi were of awful import for Israel; but, in presence of circumstances so disastrous, there should be not merely a people but sons of the living God, and then should Judah and Israel be gathered as one people under one head. (iv) The fourth objection is: "But what if Israel did not understand?" He brings out the peculiar glories of Israel according to the depth of the gospel as he knew and preached it; at least, of His person who is the object of faith now revealed. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.". When God established His covenant with Israel, God established the various offerings that they must bring to Him for their sins. We have God and man in presence, so to speak. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart. Instead of having to go to great lengths to achieve righteousness by the law, we can immediately receive righteousness by faith, by trusting in the word of the gospel. As far as persons are concerned, there is no hindrance; Jew or Gentile makes no difference, as is expressly said, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the [passing over or praeter-mission, not] remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus" (verses 23-26). A passage like this may seem strange to us and unconvincing; and it may seem that some at least of the texts Paul quotes have been wrenched out of their context and made to mean what they were never intended to mean. I have lost a friend tender and true to me, and my heart is too full for utterance. Paul deals with that objection by quoting Isaiah 52:7. He cared nothing for oratory, which I have heard him call "a flash in the pan"; he delighted in the plain, solid gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather he means to say the same thing about the system of grace ("the righteousness which is of faith") that Moses says about the law. But this great work of Christ was not and could not be a mere vindication of God; and we may find it otherwise developed in various parts of Scripture, which I here mention by the way to show the point at which we are arrived. That is, the Jews did not need to wonder about or ask how God would treat those who obeyed and disobeyed. He was God over all blessed for ever, as well as their Messiah. And I answered him, "That is a very difficult question for me, because I do believe that your father does love God, has a zeal for God, but what is he doing about his sin? and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Paul makes no attempt to resolve this dilemma; and the fact is that there is no resolution of it. Here is an instance of what is so reprehensible. the top and bottom of such an ascent must be, "to bring Christ down." Antiochus ordered him to eat pork. Of it nothing has been heard till now. Here is where the passage becomes really difficult. (b) It is the normal title of the Roman Emperors. Law works wrath because it provokes transgression; grace makes the promise sure to all the seed, not only because faith is open to the Gentile and Jew alike, but because God is looked to as a quickener of the dead. God has done all that is necessary, and we receive His gift of righteousness by faith" (Vol. He spent the whole night in trying to cheer and comfort others: he had no trembling thought about himself. 16). For the truth is that God has in Christ condemned sin, and this for sin definitely; so that He has nothing more to do in condemnation of that root of evil. Ignorance of God's righteousness. "His flesh was torn off by the whips, and he streamed down with blood, and his flanks were laid open by wounds." For they do not realize that a man can only achieve the status of righteousness by God's gift, and they seek to establish their own status, and so they have not submitted themselves to that power of God which alone can make them righteous in his sight. The sacrifices, and offerings, and purifications appointed under the Old Testament, prefigured Christ, and pointed at him; and their inability to take away sin discovered the necessity of a sacrifice that should, by being once offered, take away sin. First of all, the groundwork of it is laid in the first four verses, the last of them leading into every-day walk. God established that they had to bring an animal and kill the animal in their stead, that their sins must be transferred onto the animal and the animal slain. But the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against them pre-eminently. If one may so say, He thus holds the man, instead of letting the man presume that he is holding fast the truth. Ed. Christ indeed did both; and so the word was nigh them, in their mouth and in their heart. d. Believe in your heart: Mere intellectual agreement with the facts of the cross and the resurrection is not enough. There is really no other hope, for if you get a little bit of your own works put into the building, of your hope, you have just so much rotten timber in the fabric, and that rot will plague the whole house, and turn it into dust at the last. Paul's Discourse of Righteousness; The Method of Salvation. It is no longer a question of man's guilt, but of his nature. His soul scarce descended among the shades before it quitted them for ever; that day he died he was in Paradise, and the thief was with him there as a trophy. ", But all have not obeyed the good news. Such is the doctrine and the fact. This is the key word of early Christianity. So Paul concludes his argument by citing two Old Testament texts to prove his case. But there is much more in Christ than that to which too many souls restrict themselves, not less to their own loss than to His dishonour. But then again he intimates that the nature of the gospel is involved in the publishing of the glad tidings. The saving work is done, done by him who was anointed of the Lord to do it. But by now the gospel had been carried to most parts of the Mediterranean area where Jews were to be found; and that is all the argument requires. (Bruce), b. As used by Moses in this place, it evidently means that his doctrines were in their mind, or were a subject of meditation and reflection. Lectionary Calendar. (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) Or, Who shall descend into the deep? He proved himself the Son of God, gave the most convincing evidence that could be of his being the Messiah; and yet they did not know and would not own him, but shut their eyes against the clear light, so that their zeal for the law was blind. First, then, a man to be a Christian must have a sense of the utter uniqueness of Jesus Christ. One does not have to mount a ladder to heaven in order to beseech God to send Christ down. Its simplicity and plainness he proceeds immediately to state. Christ is come, and has changed all. Now, what Paul declared of the Jew then is still true today. Believe in him as your risen Saviour, declare him to be your Lord, and you will receive from God the righteousness that saves (9-10). Then he knows that Jesus will blot out his transgressions, and create in him a clean heart, and restore him to himself again, though now, like David, his sin is ever before him. b. StudyLght.org. It must possess this place because the gospel is Gods power to save us (1:16). The gospel, as now revealed in the New Testament, has linked with it, though not contained in it, the revelation of divine wrath from heaven, and this, you will observe, according to Paul's gospel. Or, Who shall descend into the deep? 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, 3:4-5, 5:18-21, Exodus 19:6 Hebrews 4:14-16, Psalm 32:8 Romans 5:10-11, James 2:14-17 Proverbs 4:1-9, John 14:26 Romans 10: . Directions for our behaviour, as members of civil society, Rom. "Shall we sin," says he, proceeding yet farther (ver. They did not understand, and believe, and consider, the strict justice of God, in hating and punishing sin, and demanding satisfaction, did not consider what need we have of a righteousness wherein to appear before him; if they had, they would never have stood out against the gospel offer, nor expected justification by their own works, as if they could satisfy God's justice. There are several texts from which it may be gathered that believers shall not be put to shame. (Spurgeon). They have plenty of, Zeal for God, but not according to knowledge, iii. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man," etc. The gospel means His glad tidings for man. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? He was in the end killed. $9.99 + $8.50 shipping. He descended into the grave, so that he dwelt among the dead! "By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith." 2 172). But what saith it? Sin had left its crimson stain, but He washed me white as snow." Instead, we gain it by confessing and believing in the person and work of Jesus Christ. . One does not have to climb to heavenas though one couldto bring it down. The Jews built on a false foundation, and refused to come to Christ for free salvation by faith, and numbers in every age do the same in various ways. As Moses explains in v. 11, "What I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." They're both true. He loved even here at the threshold to show the breadth of God's grace. How shall they hear without a preacher? You may now believe in Christ and live eternally. already. The meaning is, that the doctrine was already so familiar, and so well understood, that it was actually in their mouth, that is, their language, their common conversation. "Sing" said he. And how shall they preach unless they are sent? If you want your faith increased, study the Word of God. They cannot say God has rejected them. Did they venture to plead that it must be not only the same father, but the same mother? Well, I can't either, but God didn't call me to reconcile it, He just called me to believe it.I tried to reconcile it for years until I was in such mental gymnastics I was worn out. Man became the object, first, of general dealings of God under Noah; next, of His special ways in the calling of Abraham and of his family. I will read his exact words to you. And I love it. (James 2:10-11). We, O Antiochus," he said, "who live under a divine law, consider no compulsion to be so forcible as obedience to our law." That is, it is not merely pardon of past sins, but deliverance from sin, and in due time from all its consequences. Man goes back to the righteousness of works. Christ is come down from heaven; we need not go to fetch him. 3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. The gospel is called the Word of faith, the Word of God, as being what was spoken, or communicated by God to man. Verse 19. c. Establish their own righteousness: This effort shows Israels lack of knowledge and that they are ignorant of Gods righteousness. One day I was in my office studying Romans, and I was just so upset I put my Bible down and I said, "God, I can't reconcile it," and I walked out of the room. The word for Lord is kurios ( G2962) . It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may bear it, and do it? They have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God, that is, they have not yielded to gospel-terms, nor accepted the tender of justification by faith in Christ, which is made in the gospel. If what Christ has done will not save a sinner I am damned; for I have nothing else to depend upon; but if it will save, and sure I am that it will, I am saved as surely as Christ has risen from the dead. The apostle writes with the full assertion of his own apostolic dignity, but as a servant also. The expression, The word is nigh thee, means Gods word is so close it is as if it were in our mouths. There would not be a moment of your life in which you could be at peace, for there would always be the fear that in some unguarded instant you would transgress, and lose all. There is the type of confession described in Matthew 10:32. He bade them read that chapter, "Let not your hearts be troubled"; and, as they read it, he did not take the verses, and apply them to himself. 13:1-14. he was Lord of heaven and earth, and yet they called him Beelzebub, and talked of him as a drunken man and a wine-bibber. First, What is promised to us: Thou shalt be saved. was true, accordingly, before the law, right through the law, and ever since the law. The promise is the same to all, who call on the name of the Lord Jesus as the Son of God, as God manifest in the flesh. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. 1. And what led to the call of Abraham, of whom we hear much in the epistle to the Romans as elsewhere, was the departure of man into idolatry. There the prophet points out how welcome those are who bring the good news of good things. They will not accept that the way of salvation for them is the same as for the Gentiles - through faith in Christ (30-33). Be he Jew or be he Gentile, his only righteousness by law must come through the doing of the law. To this then the apostle comes, after having spoken of the divine favour shown himself, both when a sinner, and now in his own special place of serving the Lord Jesus. Believe in Christ as you would believe in your friend: believe that he died for sinners, and trust in him for salvation. All then that believe, though uncircumcised, might claim him as father, assured that righteousness will be reckoned to them too. Not so, says the apostle; it is because of the evil of the nature, not of the law. Thither He shall come, and thence, go forth. g. All who call upon Him: Again, note the emphasis on human responsibility. Listen. The law is not destroyed, nor the intention of the lawgiver frustrated, but, full satisfaction being made by the death of Christ for our breach of the law, the end is attained, and we are put in another way of justification. It is "the power of God unto salvation." It is true Christ is in heaven; but we may be justified and saved without going thither, to fetch him thence, or sending a special messenger to him. Yet note, that Paul opens this up into two things. which we preach; being sent, commissioned, qualified, and assisted by Christ thereunto; which shows the agreement between Moses and the apostles of Christ; for the word which he spoke of, they preached, and indeed said no other things than what the prophets and Moses said should come, that Christ should suffer in the stead of his people, and rise again for their justification; the sum of which is delivered in Romans 10:9. Far beyond. And this leads us to see not only where there was an analogy with those who believe in a promised Saviour, but also to a weighty difference. For Moses described the righteousness which is of the law, [he said,] That the man which doeth those things shall live by them. The discovery is made that the source of the internal misery was that the mind, though renewed, was occupied with the law as a means of dealing with, flesh. Gods word provides a system to live by. The subject terminates with the grand truth which must never be obscured by details that we are to receive, one another, as Christ has received us, to the glory of God. At the close of that period he rose into the air, ascending high. Now the fact that Jesus went to the cross is God's witness before the world that there is only one way that a man can come to God, and that is by the cross of Jesus Christ. Proud member Charity teaches us to have the best opinion of persons, and to put the best construction upon words and actions, that they will bear. Now, our flesh likes the complications, because I would like to take some credit and receive some glory for salvation. Now listen. We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. 4. In both parts, as it may be observed, the door is opened to the Gentile. One reported to me the other day a word which cheered me much. He shall come, says one Testament, out of Zion. Hence, as is shown later in the chapter, Adam is a head characterized by disobedience, who brought in death, the just penalty of sin; as on the other hand we have Him of whom he was the type, Christ, the obedient man, who has brought in righteousness, and this after a singularly blessed sort and style "justification of life." "What are you?" They have plenty of zeal but little knowledge. Did the Jews take the ground of exclusively having that word of God the law? But they have not all obeyed the gospel: If salvation is so simple, available to all who trust in the person and work of Jesus, then why does Israel seem to be cast off from God? Finally, Paul insists that, all through history, God has been stretching out hands of appeal to Israel, and Israel has always been disobedient and perverse. No one had ever witnessed to him. 15:18-24). Now that God has revealed Himself in the gospel, it is not what will suit man on earth, but what is worthy of the presence of the glory of God. This is precisely what salvation does not mean; and I would strongly press it on all that hear me, more particularly on those that have to do with the work of the Lord, and of course ardently desire to labour intelligently; and this not alone for the conversion, but for the establishment and deliverance of souls. We also do not need people to enter into heaven to learn Gods will since this information is revealed in His word. Say not even in thy heart that by these doings or feelings thou canst be saved. i. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. You must believe in your heart; and even that belief is not enough without accompanying action: confess with your mouth. In vain will you preach Romans 3:1-31, or even 4 alone, for souls to know themselves consciously and holily set free. All through this section Paul has been driving home the personal responsibility of the Jews. Commentary on Romans 8:10-17 (Read Romans 8:10-17) If the Spirit be in us, Christ is in us. Moreover, He gave up the knowledge of God that had been handed down from father to son (ver. A good wish (Romans 10:1; Romans 10:1), a wish that they might be saved--saved from the temporal ruin and destruction that were coming upon them--saved from the wrath to come, eternal wrath, which was hanging over their heads. It is exquisite the delicate love with which he singles out distinctive features in each of the saints, men and women, that come before him. Not all will accept the message, but Christians must proclaim it nevertheless. The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach): a. Christ is the end of the law: Jesus is the end of the law for those who believe. Such has been their singular fruit of promise; such even in the midst of all their misery it is at present. Apparently the meaning is: "What if the message was so difficult to grasp that even when Israel did hear it they were unable to grasp its significance?" Yet, how many times we take the promises of God and say, "Oh, God, just help me to believe. Not only is God's righteousness revealed, but also His wrath. Christ holds it out to you: take it freely, and be rich for ever. A proud conceit of their own righteousness: Going about to establish their own--a righteousness of their own devising, and of their own working out, by the merit of their works, and by their observance of the ceremonial law. What about His word passed and sworn to the fathers? But I say, have they not heard? Thus, the true God being lost, all was lost, and man's downward career becomes the most painful and humiliating object, unless it be, indeed, that which we have to feel where men, without renewal of heart, espouse in pride of mind the truth with nothing but unrighteousness. It is "revealed," and this too "from heaven." 1. It was all a matter of law and achievement. There were those who were good, whose balance was on the right side; there were those who were bad, whose balance was on the debit side; there were those who were in between, who, by doing one more good work, could become good. It is in your mouth and in your heart." If in Isaac only, it is a question of the seed, not that was born, but that was called. It was a very great thing, especially, when the profession of Christ or Christianity hazarded estate, honour, preferment, liberty, life, and all that is dear in this world, which was the case in the primitive times. I. Righteousness can be gained by sinful men, but it can only be secured by faith and not by deeds. In Romans 14:1-23 and the beginning ofRomans 15:1-33; Romans 15:1-33 we have the delicate theme of Christian forbearance in its limits and largeness. One said somewhat roughly to him a fortnight before, "Don't be downhearted; you may got better yet." The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; But the righteousness which is of faith: In contrast to the righteousness that is based on the law is the righteousness that results from faith. Promise ; such even in the publishing of the glad tidings the top and of. Plainness he proceeds immediately to state for utterance the promises of God is in! The door romans 10:8 17 commentary opened to the faith. put it plainly reckoned them! The last of them leading into every-day walk blessed for ever, as may! 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