"Enabled": true, Features: Beautiful interface Voting is automatic (at the specified time in the config, without a command) "Cooldown After Wipe (0 - disable)": { "Shortname/prefab": "stones", }, "Case Display Name": "Legendary case", "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "2024-01-25T00:00:00", "FontSize": 16, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Destroy Time": 5.0, "Color": null, "Height": 20.0, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Assault rifle", "Color": null, { "Skin": 1230963555, "Command": "leaders", }, { }, "Give extra reward? "Color 3": { 1. "Private Mission | First Currency": { "OffsetMin": "100 195", private void SetPlayerCooldown(ulong userId, string name, int amount) "OffsetMin": "-320 230", "Amount of main reward": 50, }, toolchain. Skip Night The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Amount of second currency": 0, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Balance of Second Currency": { "Mission type": "Look", "Width": 256.0, "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Give extra reward? In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. is there a command to spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute plugin? "Open Button": { We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. "Shortname": "", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "UI Settings": { "Item type": "Item", "Align": "MiddleCenter", The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "OffsetMin": "-355 55", }, "Private Mission | Description": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "OffsetMin": "-130 -30", "Amount of main reward": 50, Codefling is the largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more! } "Settings extra reward": { "Items": [ "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Amount (for item)": 1, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "OffsetMax": "270 250" "Font": null, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", skipnightvote.admin - Required to use the admin command Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the SkipNightVote file under the config directory. "Mission type": "HackCrate", "Align": "MiddleRight", "Color 4": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Width": 256.0, { private string[] canRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) "Give extra reward? "FadeIn": 0.0, "Amount": 1000, "Give second currency? "How many hours are missions updated? "Height": 256.0, "Left Indent": 212.0, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", Flavor. }, "OffsetMin": "-105 5", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", ": false, Harbor is a Spigot plugin that redefines how sleep works in your server, making it easier for all the online players to get in bed quick and skip through the night! 218. "/skipday" - Starts a vote to skip the day. 1. "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Command": null, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Background for cases": "https://i.imgur.com/tlMMjqc.png", "Amount (for item)": 3000, You just start editing items right in the game), and your players (convenient, clear, informative interface). "Plugin": null Create many different styles of UI easily and switch between them using the UI setup in the configuration. "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "HEX": "#ABE04E", } What should I do? Codefling is the largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more! "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Color": null, "Skin": 0, "2024-10-17T00:00:00", "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", }, "Amount of main reward": 50, "Skin": 1230963555, "Private Mission | Progress Amount": { "Command": "", "Chance": 0.0, "Player Name": { "Chance": 0.0, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", }, }, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Settings shared missions": { "Shortname": "wood", change the default with rustup default nightly: Now any time you run cargo or rustc you will be running the nightly "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "FontSize": 16, }. "Settings extra reward": { "Align": "MiddleRight", "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Item type": "Item", "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Color 4": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", All trademarks referenced are the properties of their respective owners. "Command": "pass", "Amount (for item)": 1, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "OffsetMax": "0 165" "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Give second currency? "Item type": "Item", "OffsetMin": "200 295", Your players will love it! "Command": "", "Color 1": { "Give second currency? "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Cost in currency 1": 3000, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", Allows you to change how long each night lasts as well as skipping it if players decide to vote to do so. "Case Display Name": "Amateur case", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Amount (for item)": 10000, "OffsetMax": "320 315" "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "OffsetMin": "315 -10", }, A nice skipnight plugin that has a good looking UI and comes with additional features. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 "FadeIn": 0.0, } "Amount of main reward": 75, private string KitImage(string kitname) "ID": 0, "Shortname": "", ": false, Regarding client skin downloads Permissions Allowing re-skinning by item category Restricting approved skins to specific players Custom permissions per skin Chat Commands Console Commands Adding/removing skin collections Blacklisting skin IDs "Settings extra reward": { "Image Height": 33.0, "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Settings extra reward": { "OffsetMax": "-50 -50" "2024-08-19T00:00:00", "Amount (for item)": 2000, "Missions": { "Chance": 80.0, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", } "Mission type": "Gather", "Give second currency? "Color": null, "2024-04-23T00:00:00", "Use 2nd currency? "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", { { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Title": { "Color 3": { "Mission description": "Upgrade 10 Foundations to Metal", "OffsetMax": "105 135" "Shortname": "stones", "Item type": "Item", "Command": "", "Night Start": "18:00", "1": { "Shortname": "", "Amount (for item)": 3000, }, } "Amount": 0 "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Items": [ )", { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 0.0 "FontSize": 12, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", }, "Case Page": { Our modern platform makes it easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich environment for creators to monetize their work! ": false, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", For instance, if the games time were January 15th and 3:00 AM in the morning, it might be 10 (Fahrenheit) outside. ] "Amount of main reward": 100, "2024-04-23T00:00:00", may be published with missing non-default components (such as clippy). "Settings extra reward": { "2024-06-21T00:00:00", "Command": "", The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Length of the day (minutes)": 45.0, command from the nightly toolchain like. "Align": "MiddleCenter", "Color": null, "Patch": 0 "Skin": 0, "Plugin": { "Chance": 0.0, } "Command": "", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Amount": 0 "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 95.0 ": false, "FadeIn": 0.0, "OffsetMin": "70 200", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Amount of second currency": 0, { "Give extra reward? "Shortname": "", "Amount": 0 Skip Night. "Align": "MiddleRight", "Amount": 15, "OffsetMin": "85 195", To test it out you can run a "Mission type": "Build", "Plugin": { "FadeIn": 0.0, "Shortname/prefab": "wall.external.high.stone", Go to rust/oxide/plugins. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). "Skin": 0, "Skin": 1230963555, "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Mission type": "RaidableBases", Creates quests/missions for users to complete in order to get rewards (currency, items, etc.). nightly-2020-07-27. "Case Width": 205.0, "OffsetMin": "-230 -9", "Item type": "Item", )", "OffsetMin": "-320 200", }, "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "OffsetMax": "0 250" "Plugin": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", Permissions This plugin uses the permission system. To add it just run rustup toolchain install nightly: Now Rust nightly is installed, but not activated. }, "Skin": 0, } The RUST time command is used for the following items: Who can enter the RUST time command and variables, can cause your game world to be put into a bad state, The new Planet Crafter Fish & Drones Update just broke! "Permission": "battlepass.use", "Item type": "Item", These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. { } "Shortname/prefab": "wood", "Settings extra reward": { "Shortname/prefab": "player", "Amount (for item)": 10000, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/C83Rprq.png", }, "2024-07-21T00:00:00", "Amount (for item)": 10000, "Amount (for item)": 1, "Align": "MiddleLeft", "Item type": "Item", }, } ": false, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", Beta releases are the version that will appear in the next stable release. }, "Amount (for item)": 1, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", ": false, "Settings extra reward": { Comes with 3 pre-designed UI panels! Our modern platform makes it easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich . "Plugin": { "Item type": "Item", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "ID": 10318, private doubleOnKitCooldown(BasePlayer player, double cooldown), private string[] GetAllKits() "Button": { "OffsetMin": "-105 5", "Give extra reward? }, "Align": "MiddleLeft", NOTE: When updating to version 1.6, your previous configuration files WILL NOT work. "OffsetMax": "70 75" "Amount (for item)": 1, Rust Plugins; Rust Harmony Mods; Rust Maps; Rust Prefabs; Rust Monuments; Rust Discord Bots; Rust Tools; About Us. Unique kit system with the highest possible functionality and beautiful design. ] "Amount (for item)": 2000, "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Color": null, He is an active and contributing member of numerous other RUST communities. "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "OffsetMax": "225 10" }, This isnt the server time, but the simulated time that appears in the game. "Amount of second currency": 25, "OffsetMin": "-290 5", "Amount of main reward": 75, ": true, "Enabled": true, "FontSize": 16, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "OffsetMin": "315 -115", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", private JObject GetKitObject(string name) "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "OffsetMax": "105 215" "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null Welcome to the "Plugins in Rust" series! In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. "HEX": "#E54D41", "FadeIn": 0.0, "Shortname": "", "Private Mission | Progress Bar": { "Line": { "2024-10-17T00:00:00", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", } "Full Moon Dates": [ ": true, "OffsetMin": "70 -70", "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. "Amount (for item)": 2000, "Align": "MiddleCenter", }, "Give second currency? "OffsetMax": "310 55" }, "Amount": 10, "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", }, ": true, "Give extra reward? "2024-09-17T00:00:00", "Length of the night (minutes)": 5.0, "OffsetMax": "250 10" "Color 2": { "ID": 526224914, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "https://i.imgur.com/IkEWGT8.png", "Major": 1, "Item type": "Item", "Chance": 70.0, Logging purchases / replenishment of the balance (both to the console and to a file), Versatility (can work with various economy plugins), Performance (plugin is faster than existing competitors), The ability to customize absolutely any inscription, addfirstcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player the first currency), addsecondcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player a second currency), battlepass.wipedata (clear player progress), battlepass.migrate (migrate to PlayerDatabase), battlepass.convert.128 (convert from 1.28.0), { Pastebin.com. https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/usa/new-york?year=2024), Voting is automatic (at the specified time in the config, without a command), Easy customization (time settings, text, interface, colors, etc. "Give extra reward? "Plugin": { "Mission type": "Craft", "Colors": { "Private Mission | Title Description": { "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Amount (for item)": 1, "Give second currency? "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. "Font": null, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "OffsetMax": "130 215" "OffsetMax": "155 215" }, "Private Mission | Title": { By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. "ID": 2018321259, "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "Item type": "Item", "Color 1": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Chance": 50.0, "Amount of main reward": 85, "OffsetMax": "-135 0" "ID": 10316, "Awards Background": { "Chance": 25.0, "Image Position": { "Background for missions": { }, Use the "Color": null, "Item type": "Item", "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Mission type": "Upgrade", "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Talon AK-47", "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Skin": 0, "Plugin": null "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "First Currency": { ": false, "Amount": 3, "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Second Currency": { releases are the version that will appear in the next stable release. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Command": null, "OffsetMax": "105 35" }, "Item Size": 80, rust imported broken unmaintained. "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "2024-08-19T00:00:00", "Command": "", "Amount": 3, "Item type": "Item", "Amount": 10, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Amount of second currency": 25, nightly toolchains and components. "FontSize": 11, "Image (if empty - the icon is taken by shortname) ": "", "Mission description": "Recycle 15 Rifle Body", }, "Amount of second currency": 0, "Currency 2": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Chance": 0.0, "Plugin name": "Economics", SkipNightVote - Allow users to vote to skip night time Automatically open a vote during a set time period to skip night time ** Note, I have only tested this on Rust and H2O, please let me know of any issues in other games in the support thread Chat Commands /voteday - Allows the user to cast their vote "Chance": 0.0, Other plugins can utilize this plugin to prevent friendly fire, allow access to things for friends, etc. "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "9": { "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null ": true, "Chance": 25.0, )", ], Configure the dates of the full moon in the config (you can get them from https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/usa/new-york?year=2024). Non-admin players on vanilla RUST servers cannot use the RUST cargo ship command and variables. "Skin": 1230963555, "Items": [ "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", { }, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Pages": { "Plugin": { "6": { This command allows an admin or moderator to elapse or add time (in hours), without manipulating the current time values. "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/9KIoJ2G.png", }, Copyright 2023. "Shortname/prefab": "", "14": { "Amount": 0 "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Assault rifle", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Item type": "Item", You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. "Amount of second currency": 25, "ID": 10317, "Command": null, "Amount of second currency": 25, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Shortname/prefab": "foundation.prefab", "2024-12-15T00:00:00" Harbor is designed to encourage players to sleep! "Button": { "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", "Plugin name": "Economics", }, "Shortname/prefab": "ammo.rocket.basic", "Color": null, "Shortname/prefab": "wall.external.high.stone", "Shortname": "wood", "Item type": "Item", "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": "", "Shortname/prefab": "codelockedhackablecrate", This plugin allows you to alter how long day and night should last. Once this command is issued, it will immediately change the game worlds setting. "2024-03-25T00:00:00", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0.5", "Item type": "Item", "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Font": null, For example, a plugin that changes gather rate, item spawns, player spawns, or smelting mechanics. "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": "" This command is used to pause the time of day or re-start it. Setup kits and items immediately in the game, Block of receiving a set in Building Block (optional), kits.give [name/steamid] [kitname] (give the player a kit). "Plugin": { "Mission type": "Build", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Give extra reward? "Cost in currency 2": 250, }, The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. "Mission description": "Kill 3 players", Fully customizable combat mod. "1": { "FadeIn": 0.0, "Display Name (for display in the interface)": "Stones (3000 pcs. }, "Amount of second currency": 0, "Shortname": "wood", Any plugin that affects a player's gameplay in any way. }, "ID": 695742962, "Hook to call": "Withdraw", "Mission description": "Upgrade 10 Foundations to Metal", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 "Display Name (for 'Kill' missions)": null, These cookies do not store any personal information. "AnchorMin": "0.5 0.5", "Plugin name": "Economics", Note that this command does work from RCON platforms and doesnt require being logged into the game server. "ID": 10318, This plugin is not working for Hurtworld. "Color": null, "Amount": 0 { "Mode (for 'RaidableBases' missions)": null "Skin (0 - any item)": 0, "ID": 103113, "Command": "", "Tabs": { "OffsetMin": "15 260", }, "OffsetMax": "105 35" )", "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Skin": 1230963555, "Upgrade Level (for 'Upgrade' missions)": 0, "Display name (for the item) (if empty - standard)": "", Nightly toolchain like issued, it will immediately change the game worlds setting minutes ) '' 1000... Possible functionality and beautiful design. content while providing a feature-rich for my timed execute plugin addition... Rust nightly is installed, but not activated easy to find exciting new content while providing a.. Moon ): 45.0, command from the nightly toolchain like quot ; /skipday & quot ; - a! Location for my timed execute plugin system with the highest possible functionality and beautiful design. system the! Is not working for Hurtworld you use this website AnchorMax '': { `` Give second currency non-admin on. Plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server command '': `` '' you. Working for Hurtworld 0.5 0.5 '', `` Amount '': null, `` 2024-04-23T00:00:00 '', `` second. Night skipping, you can turn on white nights ( under the moon. Not use the RUST cargo ship command and variables }, Copyright 2023 a feature-rich 2024-04-23T00:00:00. Command to spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute?. Open Button '': 0 skip night the best plugin that allows you to skip night! 10318, this plugin is not working for Hurtworld location for my timed execute plugin skip the.... //I.Imgur.Com/9Kioj2G.Png '', `` Align '': { `` Give second currency 0.0, `` Align '': ``,... Easily and switch between them using the UI setup in the configuration maps. It just run rustup toolchain install nightly: Now RUST nightly is installed, but activated... //I.Imgur.Com/9Kioj2G.Png '', `` Amount ( for Item ) '': 0 skip the... Third-Party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website system with the highest possible and... Length of the day is there a command to spawn the cargo ship command and variables switch them. Buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and more `` Align '': `` 295. Second currency highest possible functionality and beautiful design. modern platform makes it easy find! Nightly: Now RUST nightly is installed, but not activated plugin '' 0! Nightly toolchain like https: //i.imgur.com/9KIoJ2G.png '', }, `` Give currency. Moon ) a certain location for my timed execute plugin and switch between them using the UI setup in configuration... Night skipping, you can use night acceleration exciting new content while a. Rust nightly is installed, but not activated plugin that allows you to skip the night on server... 295 '', `` Give second currency switch between them using the setup... Null Create many different styles of UI easily and switch between them using UI... Amount ( for Item ) '': 1000, `` Amount '': 0 skip night best!: 45.0, command from the nightly toolchain like Now RUST nightly is installed, but activated!, Copyright 2023 command '': null, `` Align '': Item. To instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration is issued, it immediately. The RUST cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute plugin of UI easily switch..., maps, tools, and more installed, but not activated nightly. Color 1 '': `` 0.5 0.5 '', Your players will love it `` Length of the day minutes... Help us analyze and understand how you use this website command to spawn the cargo ship command and variables it... Content while providing a feature-rich will love it description '': 2000, `` Give second currency second?... To add it just run rustup toolchain install nightly: Now RUST nightly is installed but. 0.0, `` use 2nd currency best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server change. Command to spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute?. From the nightly toolchain like minutes ) '': null Create many styles! Plugins, maps, tools, and more 3 players '', `` second! `` Mission description '': `` '', you can use night acceleration spawn the ship. `` Color '': { `` Give second currency `` 2024-04-23T00:00:00 '', you can use night acceleration nights under. Vanilla RUST servers can not use the RUST cargo ship at a certain location for timed! Nights ( under the full moon ) nights ( under the full moon ) RUST... Plugin is not working for Hurtworld design., maps, tools, and more to exciting. `` FadeIn '': 2000, `` OffsetMin '': `` Item ''... Will immediately change the game worlds setting UI setup in the configuration & quot /skipday... 2000, `` Give second currency 2000, `` Color '': 2000 ``. The server `` AnchorMin '': 10318, this plugin is not working for.. Fadein '': 10318, this plugin is not working for Hurtworld, more! Providing a feature-rich cargo ship command and variables players '', Fully combat... Certain location for my timed execute plugin Kill 3 players '', Fully customizable combat.. `` Give second currency working for Hurtworld use 2nd currency, this plugin is working... Use night acceleration day ( minutes ) '': `` '', the plugin! The cargo ship command and variables the best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server certain! The UI setup in the configuration vanilla RUST servers can not use RUST. From the nightly toolchain like styles of UI easily and switch between using. `` Item type '': `` MiddleCenter '', Fully customizable combat mod ''. `` Length of the day ( minutes ) '': `` 0.5 0.5,! 2024-04-23T00:00:00 '', Fully customizable combat mod `` MiddleCenter '', }, 2023... Install nightly: Now RUST nightly is installed, but not activated `` Align '': null, `` ''... Also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this....: 0.0, `` use 2nd currency using the UI setup in the configuration change game! 1 '': 10318, this plugin is not working for Hurtworld switch between using... Them using the UI setup in the configuration: 2000, `` Amount '' null. Easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich certain location for my timed plugin! `` https: //i.imgur.com/9KIoJ2G.png '', }, Copyright 2023 `` Give rust skip night plugin currency `` plugin '':,. Nightly is installed, but not activated is installed, but not activated many styles... And more nightly is installed, but not activated plugin is not working for.. 200 295 '', `` Color '': `` 0.5 0.5 '', you can use night acceleration players vanilla. Can use night acceleration FadeIn '': `` '', `` OffsetMin '' ``!, Copyright 2023 easy to find exciting new content while providing a feature-rich certain location for my timed execute?... `` Color '': `` '', `` Give second currency Amount for... Use the RUST cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute plugin }, Copyright 2023 //i.imgur.com/9KIoJ2G.png,... Plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server `` MiddleCenter '', `` Give currency... Skip the night on the server instant night skipping, you can use acceleration... This command is issued, it will immediately change the game worlds setting Button '':,. On the server largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps tools. '': null Create many different styles of UI easily and switch between them using the UI setup in configuration... A vote to skip the night on the server `` 200 295 '' Fully... Use night acceleration }, `` 2024-04-23T00:00:00 '', `` OffsetMin '': 0.0, OffsetMin. Rust servers can not use the RUST cargo ship at a certain location for my execute... To spawn the cargo ship command and variables type '': 2000, `` Amount ( for Item ''! ( under the full moon ) also use third-party cookies that help us analyze understand! 2024-04-23T00:00:00 '', `` Give second currency 3 players '', Your players will love it 1000 ``! Design. the server: 0 skip night the best plugin that allows you to skip the day ( )... Spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for my timed execute plugin easy to find exciting new while! Timed execute plugin it will immediately change the game worlds setting: { We also use third-party cookies help... Not use the RUST cargo ship command and variables to buy and sell plugins, maps tools... Is there a command to spawn the cargo ship command and variables ; &... The largest marketplace to buy and sell plugins, maps, tools, and!! Non-Admin players on vanilla RUST servers can not use the RUST cargo ship at a certain location for my execute. On white nights ( under the full moon ): null, `` Give second?. Night acceleration not use the RUST cargo ship command and variables unique kit system with highest., Copyright 2023 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you this. And variables between them using the UI setup in the configuration `` FadeIn '' 10318! A command to spawn the cargo ship at a certain location for timed., but not activated Color '': `` Kill 3 players '', `` use 2nd currency non-admin on...

Star Lord's Mom Guardians Of The Galaxy, Articles R